Expert Panel on High School Growth
At our April public meeting, experts from non-profits, local and national education policy organizations, and universities presented on different ways to measure student and high school growth in public schools.
You may review the presentation materials online. The SBOE panel of academic growth experts included:
- Josh Boots, EmpowerK12
- Taryn Hochleitner, Data Quality Campaign
- Cara Jackson, Bellwether Education Partners
- Stephen Kostyo, Learning Policy Institute
- Jack Schneider, UMass Lowell
- Betsy Wolf, Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University
Jack Schneider, Stephen Kostyo, and Taryn Hochleitner testify during April 2019 public meeting
DCPS Chancellor Ferebee Meets with State Board Members
Dr. Ferebee joined our April working session, sharing his priorities for the coming months: early childhood education attendance, principal retention, transparency in the DCPS budgeting process, and transportation to and from school. He also shared that DCPS was working on ways to improve transparency in the school budget process and would release new graduation, college, and career guides to all juniors and seniors by the end of the month.
School Climate Panel at ESSA Task Force
ESSA Task Force 2019
In April, task force members welcomed representatives from the Learning Policy Institute and Education Counsel to learn more about school climate measures and recent work in other states. Representatives from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) provided an update on school climate as it relates to the District’s accountability framework. You may review the presentation materials online.
For more information on the work of the task force and copies of minutes and video recordings, please visit
Office of the Student Advocate
Outgoing Chief Student Advocate Faith Gibson Hubbard
"This experience has been life-changing for me. I am so proud of the great work we’ve accomplished during my tenure at the Office of the Student Advocate, and I am excited about the great work on the horizon."
~ Outgoing Chief Student Advocate Faith Gibson Hubbard
Student Representative / Student Advisory Committee Application
The application period for new Student Representatives and members of the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) for SY 2019–20 has now closed! Thank you to all students who applied. We will announce our new Student Representatives and members of next year’s Student Advisory Committee by the end of May.
Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education
The Latest From Our Blog
In April, SBOE staff visited District high schools to pass out flyers and information on the application process for school year 2019–20 Student Representatives and SAC members.
Upcoming May Events
OSSE School Climate Conference
We hope to see you at OSSE's first School Climate Conference on Friday, May 10 at the Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University. Haven't registered yet? There's still time to RSVP!