UPCS-V Inspection Webservice Demo Now Available!

Department of Housing and Urban Development  



WASHINGTON, DC 20410-5000

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ISDV is excited to announce and release an update to the validation process for voucher inspection submissions, which is now available in our demo environment! The demo environment is open to any industry stakeholder who would like to download the current version of the JSON formatted decision trees and begin building their own inspection application. The UPCS-V Decision Tree JSON has been updated and the files are available for download here.

The validation and submission webservices have been updated with new validation rules, which are intended to increase consistency in the inspection data submitted to HUD. The updates have been deployed to our demo environment and can be accessed via Swagger or Postman.

You are now able test a JSON formatted inspection result against the new validation rules via Swagger. You can paste inspection results in the validation or submission web services. Please note: The Validation web service will not store the test inspection, but the Submission web service will.  As you construct your submission scenarios for testing, please feel free to reach out via email or our slack channel with any questions.

The next update to the demo environment will include bug fixes and the more complex validation rules that are planned to be implemented. Your feedback is an integral part of this development and we look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at isdv@hud.gov.


The UPCS-V Team

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