May 15, 2023 Newsletter
Connect with the Commission
New and Expanded Protections for LGBTQ Washingtonians
- Gov. Inslee signs SB5599 into law
Since the closing of the regular legislative session, Governor Inslee has signed several pieces of legislation that protect vulnerable communities in our state, including women, people of color, and 2SLGBTQIA+ Washingtonians. Below is a short summary of some of these pieces of legislation that are now the law in the state.
HB1089 - Supporting adults with lived experience of sex trafficking.
- This bill funds a statewide network of culturally competent and trauma-informed services for adults who have survived sex trafficking.
HB1207 - Preventing and responding to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools.
- This bill requires distribution of policies and a complaint procedure related to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in public schools, and codifies requirements related to designation of a primary contact for compliance with nondiscrimination laws.
HB1469 - Concerning access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state.
- This bill protects the rights of people who can get pregnant to access reproductive care, including termination of pregnancy. It also protects transgender people of all ages to access gender-affirming care. Finally, the bill protects people who come to Washignton from other states to receive these services as well as the medical professionals who provide the services.
SB5142 - Creating an account for the pharmaceutical rebate revenue generated by the purchase of medications for people living with HIV who are enrolled in the early intervention program.
- With this bill, an account is created for the pharmaceutical rebate revenue generated by the purchase of medications for people living with HIV who are enrolled in the Department of Health early intervention program.
SB5028 - Revising the process for individuals to request name changes.
- With this bill, the legislature removed financial barriers for people to access name changes through Washington courts. The bill authorizes the waiving of name change fees for people with limited income, and also provides for petitioners to request that their name change documents be sealed if desired.
SB5186 - Requiring antidiscrimination clauses in public contracting.
- This bill requires state contracts for public works, and goods and services to contain nondiscrimination clauses, to protect protected classes including sexual orientation and gender identity.
SB5599 - Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.
- There are several protections for our 2SLGBTQIA+ youth under this bill:
- Provides that a shelter for runaway or homeless youth does not need to contact the youth's parents if there is a compelling reason not to, which includes a youth seeking protected health services.
- Allows host homes to house youth without parental permission if a youth is seeking or receiving protected health care services.
- Appropriates $7.5 million to the Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection for providing access to supportive care grants to organizations in order to address the needs of youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.
The LGBTQ Commission will continue working with the Governor, the Legislature, and the community to ensure that 2SLGBTQIA+ Washingtonians feel safe and protected in our state.
Save the Date for the Pride Flag Raising Ceremony on the Capitol Campus!
The Washington State LGBTQ Commission, in collaboration with RAIN and the Office of the Governor, will host the annual Raising of the Pride Flag on the Capitol Campus to mark the beginning of LGBTQ Pride Month. The event will take place on the flagpole between the Capitol Building and Temple of Justice on Thursday, June 1st at noon.
More information and details on speakers will be shared in the coming weeks. You can follow updates through our social media link here.
Notice of Public Meeting of the WA State LGBTQ Commission
The Washington State LGBTQ Commission will host its May public meeting on Friday, May 19th from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. This meeting will take place in King County, at the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, located at the Rainier Tower locate on 1301 5th Ave, Seattle, WA. This will be an in-person public meeting with no live broadcast. The public can attend in person and public comments will be received both in person at the meeting or in writing prior to the meeting. If you want to submit public comments, please direct them to Tracey Carlos, Program Manager for the Commission at tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov.
Please note that the agenda and other materials for the meeting will be made available no later than 24 hours prior to the event through our website here.
Office of Equity – Community Advisory Board Application 2023
The Office of Equity is seeking a courageous and unapologetic champion of equity and anti-racism to advance belonging and justice in Washington state. We desire partners who questions what is, to help find solutions for what can be.
The Board's role: The Community Advisory Board will work to identify policy and system barriers in State Government and provide recommendations and priorities to the Office of Equity.
All Washingtonians are welcome to apply: We are especially looking for those who haven't had the chance to participate in influencing State Government processes. Specifically, those that been targeted by anti-blackness, xenophobia, settler colonialism, and other forms of oppression.
The office will prioritize applicants who have been or are currently directly impacted by any of the following: (please note the list is not exhaustive)
 Washington State Office of Equity Invites you to apply: Community Advisory Board Members Needed Term commitment 2 or 3 years Must be living in Washington 18+ $ Volunteer stipends available to those who qualify $ What the board does: Starting with a group of 11, you'll work withour project managers to lay the groundwork for the board, and partner and make Washington the first belonging state. Seeking people with lived experience (such as): * Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) * 2SLGBTQ+ * People with Disabilities * Sex Workers * Unhoused * Low Income * Single Parents * Living with Addiction * Formerly Incarcerated * Survivors of Domestic Violence * Fostercare/Child Removal * Indian Boarding Schools * People who are Undocumented * Survivors of Trafficking Questions? cab@equity.wa.gov Angela: 360-701-0473 Omar: 360-480-1656 English: www.equity.wa.gov/cab Espanol: www.equity.wa.gov/cabesp
Impacted communities
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color
Formerly Incarcerated
Intimate Partner Violence
On Probation/Parole
Single Parent
Living with Addiction
Indian Boarding Schools
Domestic Violence
Living with a Disability
Sex Trafficking
Foster Care
Sex Work
Accessibility, Accommodations, and Digital Equity: If selected, staff is committed to eliminating barriers to access and participation. Including, but not limited to:
Accessibility, Accommodations, and Digital Equity
Language and Translation Services
Childcare and/or Adultcare
Vision Aids
ASL (American Sign Language)
Religious Accommodations (e.g Holy Days, Sabbath)
Mobility needs (wheelchair/crutches/cane/walker)
Dietary Needs
Sensitivity to Fragrances
To learn more about the Community Advisory Board and to submit your application, visit the Office of Equity webpage here.
2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Season Events – We Want to Hear from You!
Pride season is just around the corner! The WA State LGBTQ Commission wants to keep an updated calendar of Pride events throughout the state. We have created this form which you can use to let us know about any event your agency or community group is planning for this year. Feel free to share this link with agencies around your area who are planning events to celebrate and honor our community.
Commission staff and LGBTQ Commissioners would be delighted to share with our community at Pride events throughout the season. If you want to extend an invitation to the staff or Commissioners to attend your event in an official capacity, please submit your invitation through the Commission’s “Contact Us” page here.
Opportunities for the Community
Pride Place Residency Application & Eligibility Info Sessions in May!
 GenPride and Community Roots Housing are introducing Pride Place as affordable housing designed specifically for our LGBTQIA+ seniors age 55+, older adults, and rainbow elders. The application period for residency is near, and we want to ensure our community is fully equipped to take advantage of this fantastic housing opportunity!
Applications will open on June 15, and we expect to see apartments fill up quickly, which is why we're offering application workshops in advance of June 1. These sessions will guide you through the application process, eligibility, and requirements.
There will also be volunteers present to help get you connected with someone who can assist you through the application process.
We have the Pride Place Leasing Packet available for download at: http://genpri.de/leasingpack
The leasing packet includes:
- Pride Place overview and FAQs
- Eligibility and Screening Criteria
- Application Process Document
- Household and Income AMI Information
- 'What to bring when you apply'
Downhold Packet
Workshop Schedule:
Wednesday, May 17, 6 - 7:30 pm
Northgate Community Center, Multipurpose Room
10510 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
- Saturday, May 20, 2 - 3:30 pm
Rainier Arts and Cultural Center, Event Hall
3515 S Alaska St, Seattle, WA 98118
Final Workshop TBD, Early June
Register Now
Don't miss out! Register at http://genpri.de/paw and get started with the kind of documents and information you’ll see during the application process, and have time to discuss at the workshops.
We're here to help you every step of the way toward your new home at Pride Place.
More info on Pride Place can be found at: www.prideplaceseattle.org/
For questions or more information, contact us at (206) 393-3400 Ext. 2 or email us at prideplace@genprideseattle.org.
If you are a social worker and would like to be involved or offer your assistance, please get in touch with us at prideplace@genprideseattle.org.
FWEA's LGBTQ+ and Allied Community, Joy and Resilience Event!
 When? May 17 from 5:00-6:30pm (dinner included)
Where? The WEA/FWEA office at 32032 Weyerhaeuser Way S., 98003
Why? Especially with everything that's going on in the nation, let's create a joyful, resilient space to celebrate LGBTQ+ folks and safe, welcoming schools for all!
What? A fun night of building community, dinner and conversation! Let's make our schools as welcoming and affirming as possible for all students, educators and families. We welcome your voice, expertise, and everyone eager to learn. We will have free resources and posters to share, and even some fun door prizes!
Extra exciting:
- We have an amazing student panel kicking off our event!
- UTOPIA (a wonderful local Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander non-profit) is joining us! Learn more about them here https://utopiawa.org
- Special Guest: Kasha Roseta, MPA, JD from the OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office will join us with a greeting and resources!
We have chosen May 17 because it is globally recognized as the International Day against Transphobia, Biphobia, and Homophobia. So let's celebrate and unite together!
Join us! By adding your name below, it helps us plan for space, dinner (inclusive of vegan and vegetarian options), materials and swag! This event is open to members of all unions (not just FWEA) and other educators who are in support.
Any questions or ideas to contribute? Please email Shannon at smccann@washingtonea.org
Access to Justice Board Looks for New Board Members
The Access to Justice Board is recruiting for two new members. The term begins October 1, 2023 and will end on September 30, 2026. The individuals will be eligible to serve again from 2026-2029.
We are committed to expanding the presence of community representation on the Board. We strongly believe that the problems with the current legal system are due in large part because of the absence of community voices in the reviewing, revising, and remodeling of that very system. We define community voices as folks who have a lived experience with racism, poverty, and other forms of oppression and who can center the needs of the community. The positions may be filled by people who are or are not attorneys.
Please consider applying for this position. The attached has more information about serving as an Access to Justice Board member. Read through our website to learn who we are and what we do. You can also watch recent Access to Justice Board meetings on our YouTube channel here.
Please also share this announcement with your community and networks.
Applications are due May 12, 2023, and can be submitted online at https://www.mywsba.org/personifyebusiness/MyProfile/VolunteerApplication.aspx.
Questions: If you have any trouble with the application portal or have additional questions, please contact atj@wsba.org.
The Washington Supreme Court created the Access to Justice (ATJ) Board in 1994 in response to a lack of justice in the civil legal system for people who experience racism, poverty, and other oppression. For almost 30 years, the ATJ Board has been working toward a more accessible and equitable civil legal system in Washington. The ATJ Board serves as a catalyst to change systems and convenes the Alliance for Equal Justice, which is a network of Washington State social justice organizations that support and deliver civil legal aid to people who experience poverty and injustice. The ATJ Board grounds its work in race equity and centers the voices of people who experience racism, poverty, and other forms of oppression.
Yield Giving Open Call – Funding Opportunity for Nonprofits
Launched on March 21, 2023, the $250 million Yield Giving Open Call is an initiative focused on elevating organizations working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the United States: communities, individuals, and families with access to the fewest foundational resources and opportunities. The registration period is now open.
About the Open Call
This initiative seeks community-led, community-focused organizations whose explicit purpose is to advance the voices and opportunities of individuals and families of meager or modest means, and groups who have met with discrimination and other systemic obstacles. Organizations best suited to this initiative will enable individuals and families to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being through foundational resources. This includes, for instance, organizations providing access to health care, stable and affordable housing, education and job training, support for sustained employment, asset ownership, civic engagement, and other pathways. They may also be engaged in data collection and communication to amplify the voices of people and communities struggling against inequities.
Community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations from across the United States and U.S. Territories are invited to apply and share the impact they have had on the abilities of individuals and families in their communities to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being.
For complete information and registration form, visit this link.
The Black Trans Comedy Showcase – Lavender Rights Project Fundraiser
It’s about that time again! Please join us for a much, much needed night of laughter, community, and resistance while we fundraise for Black trans liberation! There will be light refreshments, raffle prizes, opportunities to interact with performers (bring yall’s tips!), and so much more! Come ready to donate as you learn about LRP’s work to protect Black trans life in Washington State and beyond! Get your tickets now to start off your Pride season the right way—with us—at Lavender Rights Project’s Black Trans Comedy Showcase 2023! It’s going to be a Ki!
This year, the iconic star herself, TS Madison, is hosting our night of laughter with Mx. Dahlia Belle, KJ Whitehead, and a performance by the local queen herself, Beyonce Black St. James!
Accessibility Information for Our Event
- ADA Wheelchair Seating Available Upon Request
- Masks required unless you are eating or drinking
- ASL Interpretation
For more information and tickets, visit this link.
Funding Opportunities – Services for People Living With HIV
The Washington State Department of Health OID has released two RFAs for services and activities beginning January 1, 2024. Find the full RFAs and application materials here. Applications are due June 5, 2023, by 5:00 pm PST.
Ryan White RFA ($21 million available per year): Focused on client services and service delivery to people living with HIV in Washington.
Syndemic RFA ($6 million available per year): Focused on client services and "syndemic" service delivery of overlapping prevention efforts (e.g., infectious disease testing, linkage and navigation services, syringe service programs) for:
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Hepatitis C
- Infectious disease and other health consequences for people who use drugs
Submit Questions by April 18th
If you are considering applying, please take the time to read the entire application and begin compiling your questions. There is a short turnaround time for the question and answer period. If you have questions about the application, you can ask them through April 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm PST via email.
Save the Date: Two-Spirit Gathering in Spokane Falls
 Image: Stylized sun, feather and water on yellow backgroup with QR Code, Spectrum Center logo, Spokane Pride logo Text: FREE Open to the public JUNE 9TH 2023. First date of Spokane Pride 1pm-8pm PST Riverfront Park @ The Lilac Bowl 507 N Howard St Spokane, WA 99201 QR Code link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2aCJDLLcb8jhqX9RXUhpVcroKFWnItOLCe2UzyoSXfUQHyQ/viewform
Interested in serving on Commissions and Boards?
Monthly Upcoming Appointment Opportunities
Washington is home to vibrant communities and diverse Washingtonians who all have unique talents, skills and experiences. Governor Inslee places a high priority on boards, commissions, and agencies that are reflective of the diverse make-up of Washington and that utilize the impressive talent of Washingtonians. We are always seeking skilled and experienced individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to participate in boards and commissions ensuring an effective and representative government.
We are excited to share the highlighted Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.
As someone with deep roots in your respective communities and organizations, we hope that you will share these opportunities. Anyone interested in being appointed will need to fill out this Application. Please explore the Boards and Commissions Profiles if you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities to get involved!
Thank you for your assistance in helping Governor Inslee find well-rounded candidates with significant talent and diverse experiences. Please feel free to reach out to Boards and Commissions staff with any questions you might have. Thank you for your time.
Jobs Opportunities for LGBTQ Washingtonians
Check out the list of job opportunities for the community on our Careers Opportunities page by visiting this link.
We are excited to share job postings sent to the LGBTQ Commission. There are three requirements to be included on our page:
- The job needs to be able to be done in Washington State (virtual works)
- The business must have an inclusivity and/or equal opportunity statement
- The job posting must include a salary range.
Please send any job opportunity to share with the community to our Program Manager, Tracey Carlos (she/her) to tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Have something you want to share in our newsletter? Please send any submissions to Tracey Carlos, Program Manager, at tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Deadline for all submissions is Thursdays by 12:00 PM Pacific Time.
Published Monday mornings.