D3 Newsletter - 5/16/23

May 16, 2023


Public Workshop...

Wednesday, May 17 / 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

EDC Planning Commission Hearing Room in Building C - 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville

Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness Study


The Greater Placerville Wildfire Evacuation Preparedness, Community Safety & Resiliency Plan (I know it's a mouthfull!) is an important effort to identify wildfire hazards, critical facilities and points of concern in order to better prepare our community for a wildfire event. 

Please join us and provide your input and concerns.  The El Dorado County Transportation Commission (ETCTC) is leading this effort along with a Project Development Team and a Stakeholder Advisory Committee comprised of a host of local agencies and entities.

I look forward to seeing you on May 17th!

Link to ETCTC Project Webpage

Wayfinding & Placemaking in Camino

I am working with our Transportation Commission staff along with County Staff, Caltrans and an initial stakeholder committee to explore opportunities for additional signage and a wayfinding plan for the greater Camino area.

The goal of this effort is to identify locations and themes for signage and wayfinding infrastructure to help mitigate the loss of access across US 50 from the recent US 50 Camino Safety Project.  While we are just getting started, the effort will include extensive public and stakeholder engagement to establish or re-affirm a theme which is consistent with the special and unique character of the area. 

Stay tuned, and I will update you as soon as we move into the next phase!  This is an exciting project.

Recommended Budget


The board had a robust and engaged discussion with our staff and community on our Recommended Budget for 2023/24. Last year as we emerged from the pandemic, we found ourselves in the unexpected position of a steep increase in revenue, especially with TOT tax and ARPA and CARES Act funding.  This year, we are in a different position.  TOT has leveled off as has sales tax and property tax revenue, and those other one-time revenue streams are coming to an end.  That said, we do remain in a strong financial position due to our conservative approach although there continues to be large needs looming, like unfunded facility needs and capital projects.

The good news is we continue to make progress in critical areas that are important to our community.  This year, the Board is looking to add another $5 million to our Road Maintenance Fund while setting aside another $5 million in a new Disaster Expense fund so we are prepared for the unexpected.  

There was a lot more to our discussion and the budget is complex and multi-faceted.  I encourage you to review the Budget Presentation which is linked below for a good snapshot of what we are considering for 2023/24.

Link to Budget Item

Wine Summit in District 3


For the first time ever, 8 El Dorado County wineries will be coming together to showcase their liquid gold at the "Sierra Highlands Mountain Wine Summit" on June 4, 2023 from 1-4pm at the Edio Vineyards at Delfino Farms in Camino.  

Wishing this event success and hopeful that many more Wine Summits will be coming in the future.


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Gratitude for our Department of Transportation


On May 10, Karen and I had the opportunity to be present at a breakfast thanking our road crews for their immense efforts keeping our community safe and moving in the wake of our historic winter storms. 

These crews have worked tirelessly in horrendous conditions.  I even met one man named Preston who was responsible for taking ALL the calls from our residents in regards to reporting road conditions and concerns.  So many stories of long hours as well as difficult conditions and challenging work that never seemed to end.  It was also great to meet our Tahoe team that came down the hill for breakfast.

Next time you pass by one of our DOT crews, think about saying "thank you".  They do incredible work in an incredibly large county!


Thank You to Caltrans!


I was just informed that additional signs will soon be installed near Camino Heights directing the public to Carson Road via the new roundabout. 

Thank you to Caltrans for hearing our concerns and being responsive to our businesses and community, and to the El Dorado County Transportation Commission for coordinating this effort.

Look forward to seeing these installed!


Transportation Funding

The way transportation funding is allocated to cities and counties in the greater Sacramento region has recently changed.  A Funding Round Working Group has been established at SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) to recommend a plan on how to administer funding rounds across our 6-County region.

Woody Deloria, Executive Director of the EDC Transportation Commission, has been selected Chair of the Staff Funding Working Group, and I have been designated as the Chair for the SACOG Board Member Funding Working Group.

There is much to be done and a lot at stake, and I look forward to working with all the stakeholders to devise a strategic and fair funding plan that will be successful at both the local level and across our diverse region.


Volunteers Needed!


The El Dorado County Senior Nutrition Program is currently seeking dedicated
volunteer drivers for the County’s Home Delivered Meals program. Each volunteer generally works one day per week on an assigned route, delivering meals between 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Potential new volunteer drivers are invited to learn more by attending a one-hour Volunteer Driver Orientation session on Thursday, June 8, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Placerville Senior Center, 937 Spring Street, Placerville. Individuals interested in volunteering in the South Lake Tahoe area are asked to call Senior Nutrition staff in South Lake Tahoe at (530) 573-3130 to learn more.

For more information about the Senior Nutrition Program, please call (530) 621-6160. 

Additional information about the Senior Nutrition Program and other senior services can also be found online at: https://www.edcgov.us/SeniorService.aspx


“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.

You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”