It Takes More Than Science to Protect our Natural Resources
Protecting our natural resources takes more than science and data. The science can direct us to best practices, but we need individuals to put those best practices into action. So, what influences the actions of others? There are three tiers (bottom to top) to get to action:
The willingness and behavior of others to do what they can to protect our natural resources is based on their attitudes and beliefs. But what influences an individual’s attitudes and beliefs that result in action? It is their inner compass that is determined by their values. Values are an individual’s core internal beliefs.
So, how do you get someone to value our natural resources to move them “up” to action? One way is making the connection of the natural resource to their life and the important role it has in their life. A connection demonstrates that their quality of life is impacted by their action or inaction. As an example: our lives are dependent on water. We need water to sustain us and to contribute to our quality of life for recreation. It is the science that will inform what actions an individual should take. But for them to be open to the science, you may need to move them up the tier!
 Pasture Condition Monitoring and Estimating Forage Production Trainings
Over the past few years TTCP has offered training on the Pasture Condition Score Sheet and Estimating Forage Production. The classroom portion of these trainings is available as a webinar replay, allowing both trainings to be held in the field on the same day. Starting this year we are splitting these courses into separate, full day trainings, to allow for additional time on each topic.
Pasture Monitoring training is being offered July 10 near Brainerd and July 12 near Spring Valley. This training will provide hands on forage identification and utilization of the Pasture Condition Score Sheet. This training also includes the Step Point Intercept method, which is used to determine pasture composition, and methods to establish baseline forage stand composition for monitoring overtime. This training also includes establishing photo reference points in a pasture, gathering soil tests and interpreting results, and certifying Prescribed Grazing (CPS 528). Additional information and a link to the registration for this training can be found here.
Estimating Forage Production is being offered July 11 near Brainerd and July 13 near Spring Valley. This training will provide hands on forage identification and utilization of the Livestock Forage Balance Worksheet. This course also provides an introduction to visually estimating forage production, and exercises in obtaining representative forage samples for trying and weighing to determine forage production. This information is used to calculate grazing days available in a pasture or paddock. Additional information and a link to the registration for this training can be found here.
Irrigation Workshop
TTCP and the Irrigation RCPP Team are offering a technical workshop for irrigation practices at Central Lakes College in Staples on July 17 to 18. This two day workshop is intended for NRCS and SWCD staff interested in training on irrigation practices and technology.
This workshop includes a discussion of irrigation practice standards, hands on demonstration of irrigation system components, variable rate irrigation technology, demonstration of soil moisture sensors from multiple manufacturers, hands on demonstration of irrigation scheduling and water management, water permits, and more.
For additional information or to register please visit here.
Basic Hydrology Training
TTCP is offering a Basic Hydrology training at the Waite Park Field Office on Wednesday, July 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This training will cover the basic concepts of determining hydrology for common conservation practices. Students will learn about reading and delineating contour maps through example problems. By the end of the day students will be able to delineate a watershed, quantify the applicable information needed to run EFH2 and determine a peak discharge. To register or for more information please click here.
Soil Mechanics Training
This course introduces performing field tests to classify soils using the Unified Soil Classification System. Two sessions will be held in Montevideo on July 6 and Cloquet on September 7. Participants are shown how to perform the field tests and classify various types of soil. Participants are provided soil samples to test, classify, and explain results. This training is the foundation for identifying soils based on texture and understanding physical soil properties as they pertain to conservation engineering design. Additional information and a link to register can be found here.
2023 Conservation Planning Course
Save the date! This year, the Conservation Planning Course will be held August 7 to 11 in Morris. Course attendees are required to be Level I Conservation Planners before attending, and it is expected that those attending this course will complete the additional requirements to become Level III Conservation Planners. The Level I Conservation Planner requirements can be found here. In addition to being a Level I Conservation Planner, all attendees need to complete the Core Competency modules before attending.
The prerequisites for this course will take approximately 55 hours to complete, and it is recommended that attendees have at least one year of experience before attending. At this time, we are planning to hold this course again in 2024.
Registration will be open soon. If you requested this training in your IDP we will contact you directly, otherwise keep an eye on the Training Calendar.
Goal Driven Prescribed Fire Training
Save the date! Are you interested in learning more about planning prescribed fire? This classroom and field-based training will cover how to effectively use prescribed burns to accomplish specific goals for land management. Coming soon to a location near you:
- August 30th – Detroit Lakes
- August 31st – Aitkin
- Sept 12th – Marshall
- Sept 13th – Oronoco
Additional details and registration will be available next month.
2023 Training Calendar
An updated working version of the 2023 training calendar is now available. This 12-month view of training offerings is regularly updated and provides information about upcoming training events, including potential dates and locations. Please see the legend at the top and note that the further out a training is proposed the more likely adjustments will need to be made. The dates, locations, and other details are always tentative until the event is posted on the Training Calendar.
BWSR Sponsored Training Events
Oct 24-26
HOLD THE DATE - BWSR Academy at Cragun's Conference Center near Brainerd
Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program |
Upcoming MWPCP Training Courses
June 20
Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA), MNDOT Shoreview Training Center (Full)
July 18
Basic Wetland Plant ID, Dakota County SWCD, Farmington (Full)
July 20
Basic Wetland Plant ID, Central Lakes College, Brainerd (Full)
August 8
Wetland Delineation Refresher, Prairie Woods ELC, Spicer
August 15-16
Regional Training, Prairie Wetlands Learning Center, Fergus Falls
September 11-15
Wetland Delineation and Regulation Basic Class, Brainerd
Please see the MWPCP Training Opportunities page for more information on how to register for these courses.
Technical Training & Certification Program Trainings
Related Partner Trainings
June 26
Organic Soil Health Practices for Water Management and Water Quality, Conservation Webinars, Online
June 29
Projects in the UMRB Addressing Financial, Research, and Communications/Social Science Gaps for Multi-Benefit Conservation Practice Adoption, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association, Webinar
July 25
Grow and Tell: The Characteristics of Prairies During the First Three Years, Pheasants Forever, Brown County
July 26
Grazing for Wildlife, Pheasants Forever, Vining, MN
Aug 1
Look at What You’ve Done! CRP in the Field, Pheasants Forever, Kandiyohi County
Aug 17
Native Plant ID – Come See What’s in CRP!, Pheasants Forever, Swift County
Through Aug 2
DNR Native Plant Community Trainings, DNR, Multiple Locations
Sept 13
Federal funding opportunities for conservation practices with multiple benefits, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association, Webinar
Not all training takes place in a classroom. Check out the links below to learn at a time and place of your choosing.
We’ve also put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics. You can visit BWSR's Online Learning page to find web-based technical training resources sorted by category.
Program Contacts