Registration will be opening in mid-September for the 2023 BWSR Academy at Cragun’s Conference Center near Brainerd. For more information, in early September visit 2023 BWSR Academy.
Listening: More Than Being Present
Listening is an important life skill in both your personal and professional life. In your professional role, you may be tasked with convincing others to take, or not take, a certain course of action or change a behavior or practice. Relationships and trust are important to being successful in this endeavor. This starts with more than simply being present during a conversation and requires listening to hear and understand what is being said. In a conversation, there are three elements you should identify to understand the perspective or position of the other person. These three elements are facts, feelings and values.
- Facts are the data that factors into one’s thoughts and actions.
- Feelings are the emotional components that influence an individual’s reaction.
- Values are what an individual cares about and influences behavior.
An individual typically does not outwardly identify these for you and often shares each within the context of the overall conversation. Listening attentively to identify all of these elements is the key to not just being present for a conversation but to truly hear and understand what is being shared. This provides the backdrop for you to build relationships and trust to support a solid working relationship.
 Goal Driven Prescribed Fire Training
Jason Andersen, Minnesota’s Prescribed Burn Coordinator, will be offering four sessions of Goal Driven Prescribed Fire in late August through mid-September. Every prescribed fire should have a goal. Effective use of fire for land management requires setting specific goals and planning the burn to accomplish those goals. The effects of prescribed fire are driven by many factors including seasonal timing and weather conditions. The Goal Driven Prescribed Fire class will discuss how to use prescribed fire to accomplish land management goals, with a focus on grasslands.
Common goals for prescribed fires include:
- Controlling brush and trees
- Changing species composition of grassland communities
- Rejuvenating vegetative communities
- Increasing wildflower diversity
- Removing fuel for potential wildfires
There will be a morning classroom session followed by an afternoon in the field. There is no live fire planned for this class.
Additional information, including locations and dates, and a link to the registration can be found here.
Grassed Waterway Training Using EFT
TTCP is offering two sessions of EFT-WDT training in southern Minnesota. This course is intended for folks who have some familiarity with Grassed Waterways but want to learn the design steps in EFT. Each session is limited in capacity to maintain small groups. Participants must have EFT loaded on their computer before attending. The sessions will be in Marshall (September 6) and Mankato (November 2).
For more experienced staff who want help with a particular project, especially design assistance in EFT or the waterway design spreadsheet, please contact Aaron Peter or Amanda Deans, BWSR training engineers directly!
Additional information and a link to register can be found here.
Soil Mechanics 2
Soil Mechanics 2 (SM-2) training is being held near Kasota on September 12. This training is intended for engineering and field office staff actively involved in geologic investigations of structural practices such as Grade Stabilization Structures or WASCOBs. Additional information and a link to register can be found here.
2023 Training Calendar
An updated working version of the 2023 training calendar is now available. This 12-month view of training offerings is regularly updated and provides information about upcoming training events, including potential dates and locations. Please see the legend at the top and note that the further out a training is proposed the more likely adjustments will need to be made. The dates, locations, and other details are always tentative until the event is posted on the Training Calendar.
BWSR Sponsored Training Events
Oct 24-26
HOLD THE DATE - BWSR Academy at Cragun's Conference Center near Brainerd
Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program |
Upcoming MWPCP Training Courses
September 11-15
Wetland Delineation and Regulation Basic Class, Brainerd (Full)
Please see the MWPCP Training Opportunities page for more information on how to register for these courses.
Technical Training & Certification Program Trainings
Related Partner Trainings
Aug 17
Native Plant ID – Come See What’s in CRP!, Pheasants Forever, Swift County
Aug 17
Rosholt Research Farm Field Day, UMN Extension, Westport
Aug 23
Strategic Farming: Field Notes, UMN Extension, Online
Aug 25
Central Lakes College Ag and Energy Field Day, CLC, Staples
Sept 7
Soil Solutions: Improving Farm Productivity through Healthy Soil, UMN Extension, Morris
Sept 13
Federal funding opportunities for conservation practices with multiple benefits, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association, Webinar
Sept 14
Solar Site Workshop, MECA and BWSR, Ramsey
Sept 21
Rice Lake Field Event, MECA and NASECA, Rice Lake, WI
Not all training takes place in a classroom. Check out the links below to learn at a time and place of your choosing.
We’ve also put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics. You can visit BWSR's Online Learning page to find web-based technical training resources sorted by category.
Program Contacts