June 26, 2023 Newsletter
Connect with the Commission
Check out the Calendar of Pride Events Throughout Washington
The WA State LGBTQ Commission has curated a calendar of 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride events throughout the state. You can find events in your area by visiting the Calendar Page on our website here.
If you know of an event that is not yet on our calendar, we have created this form which you can use to let us know about any event your agency or community group is planning for this year. Feel free to share this link with agencies around your area who are planning events to celebrate and honor our community.
Commission staff and LGBTQ Commissioners would be delighted to share with our community at Pride events throughout the season. If you want to extend an invitation to the staff or Commissioners to attend your event in an official capacity, please submit your invitation through the Commission’s “Contact Us” page here.
Opportunities for the Community
Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development - LGBTQIA+ Fair Housing Toolkit
Equal opportunity to access, use, and enjoy housing, including rental housing and homeownership opportunities, is the cornerstone of America’s federal housing policy. The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq. (“Act”) prohibits housing discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), familial status (children under 18, including pregnancy, and seeking legal custody), and disability.
On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which held that “sex” discrimination includes discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity. Following that decision, on January 20, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 13988 on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, directing every federal agency to assess all agency actions taken under federal statutes that prohibit sex discrimination and to fully enforce those statutes to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
In response, on February 11, 2021, the Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity (FHEO) issued a memo, Implementation of Executive Order 13988 on the Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act, directing FHEO to administer and fully enforce the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity.
These authorities did not create a new protected class within the Act, rather they clarified that the Act’s “sex” discrimination provisions prohibit discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity.
To access the toolkit and all the information related to housing discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people, visit this link.
GLSEN Washington – Guide to Starting a Youth Group
New Resource Created by This Year's SHINE Team!
SHINE has concluded for the 2022-2023 school year and once again it was a great year! One of their final projects was to create an amazing resource for organizations interested in starting a youth group.
Check out this wonderful resource and guide to starting a youth group!
City of Vancouver Pride Proclamation
 Join us at the Vancouver City Council meeting to hear the reading of their Pride Proclamation on Monday, June 26th at 6:30 PM. It will be presented to PFLAG SW WA.
You can join in person or remotely.
Vancouver City Hall - Council Chambers - 415 W 6th Street, Vancouver WA
All City Council workshops and meetings are broadcast (live closed captioning available) on www.cvtv.org, CVTV cable channels 23 / HD 323, and on the City's Facebook page.
Pride Place Applications – LGBTQ Seniors Housing
 Pride Place applications open this week! June 15, 2023 at 9 a.m. PST; Pride Place brings affordable, LGBTQIA+ affirming housing for seniors ages 55+ to the heart of Capital Hill, Seattle; 1521 Broadway, between Pike and Pine
For more information and application, visit Pride Place website here.
July Power Connect: Fighting Hate Together
Join the GSBA and partners on Thursday July 27 at 4:30pm at the July Power Connect: Fighting Hate Together, in partnership with ADL Pacific Northwest. We believe that it is essential for marginalized groups to come together and fight against all forms of discrimination, including homophobia, antisemitism, transphobia, racism, ableism, ageism, and more. Each of these forms of discrimination perpetuates inequality and prevents individuals from living their lives with dignity and respect. By standing together and speaking out against hate, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.
Marginalized communities often face similar challenges, and it is crucial that we work together to address these challenges and find common solutions. We must recognize that our struggles are interconnected and that by fighting against one form of discrimination, we can make progress in addressing others.
At this event, we'll bring together groups from around the region to connect around this common goal. Guest organizations include: AgePRIDE, Lavender Rights Project, WA State LGBTQ Commission, WA State Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander-American Affairs, Seattle Latino Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and more!
Mix & mingle and make brand new connections as you enjoy some delicious complimentary bites and a beverage.
Thursday, July 27, 2023 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Salesforce Roof Deck
Address: 744 N 34th Street, Seattle 98103
Street parking or the pay lots that surround the building in Fremont.
Access to the roof deck will be through the main front entrance of the building and through the elevators in the Main Lobby.
Gender neutral restrooms available.
For more information and registration, visit this link.
Guidance: Protecting Pride Events from Armed Extremist Activity
The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law has put together a guide to help 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride organizations combat armed and paramilitary forces threatening their Pride Month events.
You can access this comprehensive guide through this link: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/icap/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2023/05/Pride-Guidance-5.17.23.pdf
As violent groups threatened the safety of our communities, this is important information to have at hand and to share with our community.
Interested in serving on Commissions and Boards?
Monthly Upcoming Appointment Opportunities
Washington is home to vibrant communities and diverse Washingtonians who all have unique talents, skills and experiences. Governor Inslee places a high priority on boards, commissions, and agencies that are reflective of the diverse make-up of Washington and that utilize the impressive talent of Washingtonians. We are always seeking skilled and experienced individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to participate in boards and commissions ensuring an effective and representative government.
We are excited to share the highlighted Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.
As someone with deep roots in your respective communities and organizations, we hope that you will share these opportunities. Anyone interested in being appointed will need to fill out this Application. Please explore the Boards and Commissions Profiles if you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities to get involved!
Thank you for your assistance in helping Governor Inslee find well-rounded candidates with significant talent and diverse experiences. Please feel free to reach out to Boards and Commissions staff with any questions you might have. Thank you for your time.
Jobs Opportunities for LGBTQ Washingtonians
Check out the list of job opportunities for the community on our Careers Opportunities page by visiting this link.
We are excited to share job postings sent to the LGBTQ Commission. There are three requirements to be included on our page:
- The job needs to be able to be done in Washington State (virtual works)
- The business must have an inclusivity and/or equal opportunity statement
- The job posting must include a salary range.
Please send any job opportunity to share with the community to our Program Manager, Tracey Carlos (she/her) to tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Have something you want to share in our newsletter? Please send any submissions to Tracey Carlos, Program Manager, at tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Deadline for all submissions is Thursdays by 12:00 PM Pacific Time.
Published Monday mornings.