Spring 2024
Message from Keith, the Deputy Mayor
Hello DC!
On April 24, I was proud to testify before the DC Council on Mayor Bowser’s Fiscal Year 2025 Fair Shot: Strategic Investments and Shared Sacrifice proposed budget.
As the Deputy Mayor’s office that touches every District resident, visitor, and business, every single day, I emphasized that we get things done on your behalf, such as trash collection, traffic safety, environmental resilience, financial empowerment, entrepreneurial support and more!
I spelled out DMOI's highlights from the Mayor’s FY25 budget, including the move of the Vision Zero Office and the State Highway Safety Office (HSO) from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) into DMOI to better reflect Mayoral priorities and allow for more authoritative collaboration.
I emphasized that our cluster’s services are an important part of DC’s comeback and downtown recovery, and DMOI is confident that we can support Mayor Bowser’s priorities with our proposed budget.
You can read my testimony here. Most importantly, I encourage you to use the resources below to learn more about how, despite a tighter fiscal climate, you still get core city services, and more, from the Mayor’s proposed budget.
Here to serve,
Learn More About the Mayor's FY25 Budget
Check out these resources to discover how the Mayor's proposed budget impacts you:
DC Unveils New Tools to Combat Distracted Driving
On April 3, the HSO and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) launched Distracted Driving Awareness Month by releasing a new technological resource to raise awareness about distracted driving dangers.
Two portable devices are being rotated around the city to detect distracted drivers and issue immediate feedback without capturing any personal information.
HSO $50K Grant Will Support Safety Education for Unhoused Populations
HSO was awarded a $50,000 grant to fund outreach, education, and training to engage the District’s unhoused population on how to travel safely.
In 2022, unhoused individuals accounted for nearly 10% of roadway fatalities in the District, according to the MPD Crash Database.
The grant comes from the Governors Highway Safety Association and the Ford Motor Company Fund.
Leadership Updates
Here are a few updates on leadership positions in the DMOI cluster:
- Deputy Mayor Anderson was appointed as Chair of the DC Water Board of Directors
- Sharon Kershbaum was named acting DDOT Director
- Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) Director Richard Jackson was confirmed as a DC Water board member
- People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye was appointed to serve a fourth four-year term
Healthy Homes Fair Attracted Thousands
Thousands of District residents and home renovation professionals attended the inaugural Healthy Homes Fair on April 6. At this free event, residents learned from 70 exhibitors and interactive activities about climate change’s impact on health and quality of life, as well as their eligibility for federal tax credit programs and more than $59.4 million in rebates. It was sponsored by Electrify DC, in partnership with DOB and DOEE.
Check out the new energy efficiency incentive calculator launched in conjunction with the event.
Independent Agency Highlights
Alcohol Beverage Cannabis Administration (ABCA)
DC Water
Hosted a Fireside Chat on the Workforce of the Future and a "Toast to Team Blue" – the unveiling of a statue to honor dedicated employees
- Noted good progress on its Lead Free DC program, having removed 5,000+ lead service lines across DC since 2019
Office of the People's Counsel (OPC)
Public Service Commission (PSC)
On May 1, Mayor Bowser to Celebrate Back to Basics Season by Sprucing Up for Spring
On Wednesday, May 1 at 11:00 a.m., Mayor Bowser, DDOT and the Department of Public Works (DPW) will celebrate Back to Basics Season in Ward 7 by showcasing several Spring Initiatives, including:
Take a STEP DC (Sidewalk Transformation Enhancement Program) to improve mobility for pedestrians.
A Great Street Corridor Clean up to emphasize neighborhood beautification by reducing waste, eliminating rodents, conducting vacant building abatement, and maintaining traffic safety infrastructure.
To view the event, visit mayor.dc.gov/live, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN), or watch on Mayor Bowser’s Facebook or X.
DDOT Lauds Progress in First moveDC Annual Report
DDOT celebrated key transportation investments — such as expanding bike lanes to more than 100 miles and developing a comprehensive plan to build out electric vehicle infrastructure citywide—in the District’s first-ever annual moveDC report. moveDC is DDOT’s long-range plan that sets the 25-year vision for such investments based on 41 strategies. Out of those strategies, the report notes that seven are 100% complete, and 13 are 60% complete.
Cluster Agency Highlights
Here are a few recent DMOI agency accomplishments.
Department of Buildings (DOB)
Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP)
- Toured Columbia Heights with District Bridges, the new vending zone manager
- Its Business Resource Center partnered with the DC Bar Pro Bono Center to provide information on small business legal issues
- Celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Business Licensing Portal, which has helped 13,500+ explore entrepreneurship and supported 1,300+ in launching or growing their businesses
Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)
Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV)
- The International Association of Transportation Regulators selected Danlette Williams as the 2023 Driver of the Year
- Awarded $135,000 to replace and upgrade taxi roof lights
- Continued to promote services such as DC School Connect
Department of Motor Vehicles (DC DMV)
Department of Public Works (DPW)
Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB)
Department of Transportation (DDOT)
DC Is Hiring!
Be part of DC's Comeback. #DCisHiring. A variety of available positions across District Government, including within DMOI agencies, can be found at together.dc.gov/jobs.
The District Department of Human Resources is holding a career fair on Thursday, May 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G Street NW.
Preregistration is required. Go here to get started.
DC Agencies Under DMOI's Purview
Independent Agencies