Jan. 8 assessment and accountability town hall rescheduled; SESC town hall rescheduled

Meeting notice graphic featuring the Kentucky Department of Education and United We Learn logos

Press Release

Media Contact: Jennifer Ginn

Director of Communications

Office: (502) 564-2000, ext. 4601


Advisory 25-05



Jan. 7, 2025

Jan. 8 assessment and accountability town hall rescheduled; SESC town hall rescheduled

(FRANKFORT, KY) – The assessment and accountability town hall scheduled for 5-7 p.m. ET on Jan. 8 at the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services, 5516 E. Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, has been canceled due to inclement weather. The town hall has been rescheduled to Feb. 12 at the same time and location.

The assessment and accountability town hall at the Southeast South-Central Educational Cooperative (SESC), 55 Waco Drive, London, has been rescheduled for 5-7 p.m. ET on Feb. 4.