(LOUISVILLE, KY) – The Local School Board Members Advisory Council (LSBMAC) will meet Thursday, Feb. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. ET.
The council’s purpose is to discuss site-based council policies and decisions, receive an update on the Kentucky United We Learn initiative, discuss the assessment and accountability framework 2.0, and receive legislative updates.
The meeting will be held at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville in the Brown Room, on the 2nd floor of the East Tower.
A full agenda follows:
Local School Board Members Advisory (KSBA) Council Feb. 20, 2025, 5 - 7 p.m. ET Kentucky School Board Association Annual Conference Galt House, Louisville
I. Roll Call of Members and Approve Meeting Minutes
- David Webster, Local School Board Advisory Council Chair
II. Welcome and Introductions
- David Webster, Local School Board Advisory Council Chair
III. Site Based Council Policies and Decisions
- Mia Morales, Office of Continuous Improvement and Support, Division of School and Program Improvement, Kentucky Department of Education (KDE)
IV. Kentucky United We Learn Updates
Assessment and Accountability Framework 2.0
- Sarah Snipes, Director, Division of Innovation, KDE
V. Legislative Update
- Brian Perry, Governmental Relations, KDE
VI. Facilitated Open Discussion and Feedback
- David Webster, Local School Board Advisory Council Chair
VII. Adjournment
Future Meeting:
KSBA Summer Leadership Institute, Marriott Griffin Gate, Lexington Thursday, July 10 5 - 7 p.m. ET