Recap: February 23 - March 1

Mai Chong Xiong Headline Image

Serving residents in the following east Saint Paul neighborhoods: Eastview, Conway, Battle Creek, Highwood, Greater East Side, and most of Payne-Phalen and Dayton’s Bluff.

Español | Hmoob | Soomaali

February 28, 2025

Mai Chong Xiong Portrait


Mai Chong Xiong
Commissioner, District 6

Winona Yang
Commissioner Assistant

Kim Burback
Administrative Secretary 


Board Meetings

See past or upcoming board actions online at Ramsey County's Board Calendar. Agendas are published every Thursday.


Ramsey County provides a large range of services - 

Navigator Services

Ramsey County has several Service Center locations and five community partner sites that provide Navigator services. A Navigator is a county staff member that helps residents access a wide range of services and programs including financial assistance services, social services, employment assistance, and voter registration. 

For more information about the service centers, click here: Service Centers | Ramsey County

To submit a Service Center Navigator Referral Form for yourself or for another person, click here: Service Center Navigators Referral Form | Ramsey County

Ramsey County Means Business

Ramsey County Means Business provides a central hub for businesses and job seekers. It provides access to financial incentives and hands-on business support while acting as the first stop for site selectors searching for community information and available sites.

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Stay connected with Commissioner Xiong by following her on Facebook and Linkedin.

Commissioner Xiong's February Recap

ESFG Group

Dear Neighbors,

This past month, I've spoken with so many of you who are working to figure out how your families and communities are being impacted. Many local organizations are grappling with the loss of funds from the federal and state. Counties are especially not unaffected by these policy discussions and actions since there are millions of dollars Ramsey County receives either directly from federal allocations or as pass-throughs from state agencies. These dollars are categorized as "Intergovernmental Revenues" in our 2025 budget, totaling 28.4% of our $848,554,948 budget. Since the County has 120-150 federal grants across dozens of program areas, such as Public Health’s Family Home Visiting program and others within Economic Development, Public Works, Public Parks, Workforce Development, Emergency Response, and more, we will know exact amounts in the coming days as our department leaders figure out the impacts.

What's clearest is that without state and federal funds, our communities, especially our property taxpayers, will be even more burdened by unfunded mandates. This is because local governments, such as counties, cities, and school districts, will not have the necessary resources to effectively deliver state and federal mandates to serve residents. In Ramsey County, property taxes already makeup 45.8% of our budget. Local governments will have to rely on property taxpayers to fill even more budget gaps. Now more than ever, we must raise our voices and engage with our state and federal elected officials to prevent the increasing burden of state and federal mandates from falling even further on property taxpayers.

Finally, as one of your elected voices for the East Side, I am so proud and honored to represent us as a hardworking and resilient community. This weekend, I will be bringing all of your stories and voices with me to Washington, D.C. as we convene all counties across the nation to fight for essential funding for our county programs and services.

In solidarity,

Mai Chong Xiong

Business Network Event for The Heights Affordable Housing Partnership

Heights Biz Network

City Councilmember Nelsie Yang and I co-hosted a business networking event with The Heights Affordable Housing Partnership, inviting developers, small business owners, and community members to meet and discuss with Twin Cities Habitat, the Saint Paul Port Authority, Sherman Associates, JO Companies, and Doran Company about upcoming bidding opportunities. 

The Heights project will create 1,000 new homes—making it one of the largest affordable housing project in Minnesota’s history. The goal is to bring in a mix of high, medium, and low-density housing options for purchase or rent. Walkability, community connectivity, adjacent jobs and affordable housing options are the top priorities.

If you are interested in potentially being a part of The Heights, please reach out to our office or directly to the Saint Paul Port Authority at

East Side Funders Group Meeting

ESFG panelist

This week, I was a featured panelist at the East Side Funders Group's member meeting, joined by East Siders Councilmember Cheniqua Johnson and Cargill Philanthropist Terri Thao. We reinforced the city's, county's, and philanthropy's commitment to local businesses and nonprofits, infrastructure, and housing as we navigate funding challenges. 

Together, we discussed ideas at the intersection of local government, philanthropy, and nonprofit investments to mitigate challenges and create effective systems for business owners to thrive in a fair, supportive, and sustainable economic environment during these uncertain times. With concerns over potential state and federal funding cuts, Ramsey County is actively tracking financial resources. I am strongly advocating for sustained investment in the East Side, including business support and investments in our local community efforts to further strengthen resilience in our neighborhoods.

Through partnerships with community leaders and organizations like the East Side Funders Group, we are dedicated to fostering growth, opportunity, and resilience for businesses and residents alike. The East Side is strong, and we remain committed to helping it thrive.

Thank you to CLUES for hosting us and to East Side Funders Group for leading the conversation.

Payne-Phalen Community Council Meets East Side Environmental Justice and MPCA Regarding Northern Iron Foundry

NI Cmty Mtg

My office was present at the Payne-Phalen Community Council meeting, where the Minnesota Pollution and Control Agency (MPCA) met to share information about the upcoming comment period regarding a new draft air permit to be required of Northern Iron. The East Side Environmental Justice (ESEJ) group was also present, alongside a large number of concerned residents, advocating for environmental transparency and expanded outreach into the diverse and working-class families in our neighborhoods.

Payne-Phalen Community Council has requested that 

  • the MPCA extend its comment period from 30 days to 60 days,
  • that all technical information be made available at the start of the comment period, including the stack test results and updated modeling,
  • the MPCA host a meeting within the first two weeks of the comment period, and
  • to open the comment period 3-4 weeks before a scheduled meeting. 

I look forward to joining engagement efforts to spread awareness about the public comment period once the information becomes available. Until then, community organizers are seeking your experience with Northern Iron at the event above.

Please be reminded that Ramsey County provides free lead testing.

Looking Ahead

National Association of Counties Conference

Naco group

This weekend, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners will be attending the National Association of Counties in Washington D.C. As the Vice Chair of the Education, Children, and Families Subcommittee of the Human Services & Education Steering Committee, I will have the honor to welcome Sarah Rubenfield and Joe Hern from the First Five Years Fund to discuss the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC)—lifelines for working families. The CTC helps cover essential expenses like food, rent, and diapers, while the CDCTC supports working parents by offsetting childcare costs. Investing in these tax credits means investing in the well-being of our children and communities!

Critical Corridors Initiative Opens March 4

The Critical Corridors Planning and Commercial Corridor Initiative solicitations will open on Tuesday, March 4th, and close at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.

The Critical Corridors Planning program assists local communities in preparing for equitable redevelopment and public improvements along transit, economic, and cultural corridors. This program aims to facilitate pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access to connect residents to housing, jobs, and destinations while furthering environmental, public health, racial equity, and economic prosperity goals.

Cities, housing authorities, economic development authorities, port authorities, watershed districts, and community-based nonprofit organizations in Ramsey County may apply.

Applicants may request a grant of up to $50,000 in funding. Activities funded by this program must be completed by June 30, 2026. ​

Learn more at:

Find out if your project is within a critical corridor zone:

View the online webinar: