Dear Community,
Singing birds, cherry blossoms, more daylight, warmer days, colorful flowers, fresh cut grass, swimming outside, late sunsets, veggie starts and celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year -- these are just some of the things our community is anticipating with the arrival of spring. Even as we navigate loss, uncertainty, and the public erosion of our core values, spring reminds us of the power of renewal. It offers a chance for us to restore our energy, create new connections, and cultivate space for collective growth.
In this edition of our newsletter:
Public Health Pathways Scholarship |
Centro Cultural Mexicano and DOH are offering 40 $4500 Public Health Pathways Scholarships to help Latino descent students with expenses related to post-secondary education in a Public Health field. Learn more about the requirements and apply by April 16th. |
Centro Cultural Mexicano has launched a dashboard for statewide public health internship opportunities. Visit their web site.
Surge Reproductive Justice is seeking an Operations and Special Projects Coordinator. Learn more or apply here.
Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance is looking for a WA State Refugee Advisory Council Member for Clark County and Snohomish County. Please email hamed.hakimkhel@dshs.wa.gov to receive the application.
DOH is running a Statewide Health Priorities Public Survey to gather input on a set of statewide health priorities. Take the survey here.
DOH’s HEAL Implementation Team is requesting input from grant applicants and recipients on how to improve the way that DOH designs and implements grant programs. Gift cards are provided. Complete the form here.
VAX Northwest (a partnership that includes Kaiser Permanente Washington, WithinReach, DOH) is conducting a survey on healthcare provider experiences regarding perinatal vaccination concerns, barriers and benefits. Take the survey here.
March 24 from 9:30-11a.m. Othering & Belonging Institute at University of California, Berkeley is hosting a webinar on authoritarian populism, democracy, belonging economies, and community building. Register here.
March 25 from 11-12p.m. Immunize Colorado will host a webinar: “Women and Immunizations: Academic and Community Perspectives”. Register for the webinar.
March 29 from 12-2p.m. Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) is offering a bilingual training on how to prepare, inform, and organize in the face of threats about deportations and immigration raids. Register for this webinar.
April - Washington DOH is hosting State Health Improvement Plan Listening Sessions to get input on statewide health priorities.
June 7 from 11a.m.-4p.m. Shades of Divinity is hosting an in-person event in Lakewood, Wash. to discuss shared lived experiences of Black, Latine, and Native individuals, promotion of health literacy, and culturally-centered services that support families impacted by birth inequities in Washington State. Register for this event here.
 July 14-18 Empowering Pacific Islander Communities will be hosting the Pacific Islander Leaders of Tomorrow (PILOT) Summer Institute at California State University, Sacramento campus. Apply by March 21.
“Nothing we accomplish in life is totally free of the influence of spirit and community. We do nothing alone.” -Tricia Hersey, author of “Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto”
NOTE: We are working to find balance in the benefits and costs associated with translation. If you would like to share this or any part of this newsletter in another language, please email Community.Collaborative@doh.wa.gov and we will work with you to translate into the language(s) needed.
Estamos trabajando para encontrar un equilibrio entre los beneficios y costos asociados con la traducción. Si desea compartir esto o alguna parte de estos materiales en Español, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Community.Collaborative@doh.wa.gov y trabajaremos con juntos con usted para traducir.