Surprising Sources of Pollution Around Your Home

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Voting stars soon in the Take Care of Texas Video Contest! You get to pick your favorite student videos and decide who will go on to the final round of judging. We think you’ll truly enjoy watching these funny and creative entries from 6th through 12th graders all over Texas. Once you’ve voted, help spread the word and get others to join in the fun!

Vote Jan. 11

Ask Us Your Questions

Ask Us Your Questions

Do you have questions about conserving water and energy and reducing waste? Wondering how to get started with composting? Confused about the differences between CFL and LED bulbs? Submit your questions to Take Care of Texas and we will try to answer them in future articles. Reminder: Take Care of Texas offers information relating to water, energy, air, and waste, so please limit your questions to these topics. We may not be able to address all questions.

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Your Kids Can Win

Kids Drawing

The 4th annual Take Care of Texas Kids Art Contest is underway! This contest is a fun opportunity for K-5 students in Texas to learn about the environment and ways they can Take Care of Texas. Sixteen students, and one lucky teacher, will win a Samsung tablet or laptop, provided by Samsung Austin Semiconductor. The contest closes Mar. 2, 2018. 

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Surprising Sources of Pollution Around Your Home

Dog in the Yard

Many of our daily activities can cause pollutants to enter the water, without us even knowing. This is known as nonpoint source pollution, which occurs when small amounts of contaminants from many sources are carried by rainfall runoff into lakes, streams, or bays. Although this pollution is often a result of our everyday activities, there are many ways you can reduce your impact and help keep Texas water clean!

Keep the Water Clean

The Essentials of Bird Watching

Northern Cardinal

National Bird Day is Jan. 5 and we thought you’d like to celebrate by doing a little birdwatching. Many consider Texas to be one of the best states for birding. They occur in a wide variety of places and are abroad both night and day. You don’t need much special equipment to enjoy this pastime—just a pair of binoculars and a good field guide.

Learn the Essentials