Dear Mason District Community,
I share your frustration. The failure of a strong start for distance learning this week is unacceptable. There is no way around this. We have failed our students. We have failed our community. During these trying and uncertain times, you should be able to rely on FCPS to provide consistent and reliable structure, and we did not do this.
For those of you who did not have a chance to see the information provided in yesterday’s School Board meeting, the issues that led to the delay included problems with capacity as well as security. Both issues are currently being addressed, but it should not have come to this.
I vow to continue to do everything I can to ensure that distance learning is implemented successfully and that our students are receiving appropriate instruction, advancing their academic and social-emotional development.
As we continue to deal with this, I realize we are still in a global pandemic that is affecting us all in many ways. I wish continued health and safety for you and your families.
Distance Learning Packets
Students will still continue to receive learning packets they can work on at home, particularly as we work through our issues with the online instructional component.
Please know that your classroom teachers and principals are available as your children work on the learning packets.
Internet Assistance Programs
Several companies are helping families in need during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Some of the companies offering assistance programs are Comcast, Cox, and Verizon. Here you will find a Complete List.
School Counselors Available
We do realize the impact on our social-emotional wellness during this time. Any FCPS parent may schedule a 30-minute phone consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker, for either themselves or their children.
Consultations provide an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their children during their time away from school.
Note: Parent consultations are available for all grade levels. Student consultations are only available for middle and high school students. Schedule a phone consultation online.
Free Weekend Meals in Mason District
Last weekend, Real Food for Kids: Chefs Feeding Families launched two sites with restaurant collaborator, Pizzeria Paradiso, to provide free meals on Saturday and Sunday for children and families affected by the school shutdown. Each site will have 250 individual pizzas. There is a limit of 4 per family. Fresh fruit will also be available.
ACCA Child Development Center 7200 Columbia Pike #2 Annandale, VA 22003 Individual whole-grain crust pizzas with vegetable toppings, fresh fruit Saturdays, 2:30 PM while quantities last
John Calvin Presbyterian Church 6531 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003 Individual whole-grain crust pizzas with vegetable toppings, fresh fruit Sundays, 2:30 PM while quantities last
Real Food for Kids is also offering FCPS families a direct way to support this program AND enjoy their own family pizza night! For a minimum $50 donation, Pizzeria Paradiso Pizza Kits may be ordered and picked up between 4:00 and 4:30 PM at the above sites. Each kit ordered supports meals for 4 families.
Budget Update
On April 7, the County proposed a revised FY 21 budget. The county's transfer to FCPS is now reduced from $89.7M to $7.3M. Readjustments will continue to be made while we work to reprioritize our needs. Below you will find information about the School Board's work sessions regarding the budget.
On April 9, the School Board held a work session to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on our existing budget. The FY21 Revised Budget was presented at that work session.
On April 16, the Superintendent presented his recommendations for the revised FY 21 budget to the School Board.
On April 20, The School Board will hold a budget work session. You can watch the meeting live at 11 a.m. on Channel 99 or through the website.
On April 23, the School Board will consider the FY 21 Revised Budget at a regular meeting. You can watch the meeting live at 10 a.m. on Channel 99 or through the website.
Stay Informed
Fairfax County residents now have additional ways to get information about COVID-19. Residents can send specific questions or concerns related to the coronavirus to:
Text: Ffxcovid to 888777
For regular updates, residents can also continue to follow these trusted sources:
FCPS Coronavirus Update webpage
Fairfax County Health Department’s coronavirus webpage
Virginia Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2020 All-Virginia
Band, Chorus, and Orchestra
One hundred seventy-six students from Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) high schools have been named to the 2020 All-Virginia Band, Chorus, and Orchestra.
These groups had been scheduled to perform on Saturday, April 25, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, but the performances were cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Students from throughout Virginia went through a rigorous audition process to compete for a spot in the band, chorus, or orchestra. Students selected for these ensembles were to have rehearsed with nationally recognized expert conductors to prepare for their performances.
Congratulations to the selected Mason District students!
Annandale High School: Garrett Meadows, Chorus Claire Vaughn, Chorus
Falls Church High School: Jack Child, Chorus Dong Kim, Chorus Sophia Willson-Quayle, Chorus
Justice High School: Sophie Briscombe, Chorus Andre Farkas, Band Darien Roby, Chorus
Help Children and Families in Our Community
The FCPS Foundation provides support to our schools and has continued to be a resource to our community. Please consider making a donation to our Foundation to help our children and families in need. During this time of closure, the Foundation has provided $40,000 to help order 30,000 school supply kits for students and given $17,000 to local food banks, among other initiatives.
Updated Information for AP and IB Students
The College Board and International Baccalaureate Organization continue to provide 2020 AP/IB program guidance and testing updates directly to students and parents. Based on this information, FCPS is providing additional information to ensure students and parents understand how schools are supporting students with these changes. Below are the most recent updates by program.
Advanced Placement (AP) Program As previously announced, traditional face-to-face AP exams will not take place this school year. To prepare for the 2020 online AP exams, students will be accessing lessons, tools, and review resources provided by their AP teacher as well as those provided by the AP program.
The College Board emailed each AP student relevant information on Monday, April 13; therefore, it is important that students check the email associated with their College Board account. If a student has not received this email, please contact their school’s AP Testing Coordinator or AP teacher(s).
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program As previously announced, the May 2020 International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination Session has been canceled. Even though the May 2020 exam session has been cancelled, IB scores (1-7) will still be awarded to students based on internal and external assessments. In addition, DP (diploma) candidates and CP candidates are expected to fulfill the Core program requirements.
Due to the closure of the Virginia public schools for the remainder of the school year, FCPS requested extended deadlines for submission of required components. Moving forward, IB coordinators and teachers will communicate directly with students and families regarding these deadlines to ensure students complete and submit all required coursework.
Helping Her Community
Read about the way Beech Tree fifth grader, Caroline, is helping her community by sewing face masks. She and Beech Tree mom, Van Nguyen, are working to provide needed supplies to local physicians!
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2020 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia