Revision to Indemnity-Only Section 32 Settlement Agreement
This is to inform you that there has been a revision to the indemnity-only Section 32 Settlement Agreement form: Settlement Agreement – Section 32 WCL Indemnity Only Settlement Agreement (Form C-32 I).
Check boxes have been added to the signature lines on the form to enable parties to give consent for desk review. To give consent, each party, i.e., the claimant, attorney/licensed representative, and insurer, checks the Consent for Desk Review check box underneath their signature line.
The revised form has a version date of 6-20 and will be available beginning today, June 12, 2020. The Board will continue to accept the 2-16 version of the form until July 13, 2020. After that date, no prior versions will be accepted.
More Information
Learn more by visiting the Section 32 Waiver Agreements page of our website. Questions? Email or call (877) 632-4996.