TIME SENSITIVE; WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT Integrating Teletherapy Into Your Service Delivery Model



Please see the following 2-part webinar series offered - 1st session is TOMORROW.  

Additional updates regarding school reopening plans and considerations regarding virtual service provision is forthcoming.


Free Webinar Series:  Back to School Integrating Teletherapy Into Your Service Delivery Model


Making back-to-school plans amidst uncertainty can seem like an impossible task. We'll make it easier for you with a special 2-part webinar series, July 16 and July 23, 12 pm ET. PresenceLearning's clinical experts and school partners will share teletherapy and tele-assessment lessons learned from spring school closures that can guide your fall planning now! In Part One, we'll share specific examples of how our district partners pivoted to ensure students with special needs received required services through teletherapy and tele-assessment. We'll give you a flexible framework and steps you can take now to prepare for both in-school and in-home delivery of services. And we'll cover a range of topics including how to manage various schedule scenarios, training for effective delivery, choosing the best platform, staff contingency planning, and coordinating with parents. In Part Two, district leaders will join our clinical experts for a dedicated Q&A session—we’ll answer your questions with real-world examples of what has and hasn't worked for various districts around the country. Don't miss this opportunity to hear valuable lessons learned from district leaders and PresenceLearning's clinical experts.