District 3 Newsletter - 2/24/21

February 24, 2021                                                                                         

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MMC Heros

Marshall "Rises Up"...

In Celebration of these Healthcare Heros!

I had the privilege of visiting with Dr. Barba and seeing the drive-thru Vaccine Clinic established for Marshall patients.  I was so impressed with how Marshall rallied and responded to our local crisis at the end of 2020, I asked for a presentation to the Board on February 23rd.  Marshall's successful response is why having an independent hospital in the heart of our community is so important!  This is a story you need to hear...

On December 30th, 2021, Marshall Hospital nearly ran out of empty beds.  As for what happened next, in their own words, "...something remarkable happened.  People rose up".

A Covid Triage Line was implemented to provide  advice from an RN for everything related Covid.

A Surge Drive-thru Clinic was established in Cameron Park with Provider visit and testing.  Over 1000 patients have been served since December.

A Covid Senior Living Strike Team with 20 physicians was mobilized on New Year's Day.  Rapid testing and assessments were given to every patient and staff member in over 6 facilities.  12 hospital admissions were averted.

A Senior Living Team began January 2, 2021 which has been making daily rounding in Senior Living Facilities.  Senior Living Mass Vaccinations occurred on January 8th.  Over 400 vaccines were given in 7 hours and over 40 lives were saved.  

A drive-thru Vaccine Clinic began on January 18th, starting with 1,000 very high risk seniors which were identified in Marshall's database.  

Plus, Marshall has lead the charge in managing the County's Homeless Covid Action Plan with Project Roomkey which has sheltered the medically vulnerable homeless.

While so much has been done, there is still so much to do and Marshall is eager to be a collaborative partner with vaccine distribution...all based on supply which continues to be the problem.

To all those healthcare workers who stepped up...who tirelessly and creatively responded to our local crisis...thank you! 

We are so grateful for your care for our community.



Mosquito Road Bridge Project Approved


The Board approved entering into a High Cost Project Agreement with the California Department of Transportation to replace the Mosquito Road Bridge.  This $70M project will be funded with the Federal Highway Bridge Program which will reimburse the County up to $20M per year until 100% of the costs are recovered.  Our project will be the only one in its category in California which means our project will have priority in the State. 

It is startling to realize that the current Mosquito Bridge has a safety rating of 0 out of 100. (That doesn't mean it should be shut down; it does mean that it needs to be replaced). Additionally, a timber bridge has a lifespan of 50 years, and this bridge is 82 years old.

The Board was unanimous in their support and enthusiasm for this project.

Link to full agenda item

Harvest Traffic Chat


Met with the great folks in the Ag Community who make up the Harvest Traffic committee.

I was grateful to hear the 2020 Harvest Season was a good one.  The good news is lots of people discovered El Dorado County during this pandemic.  Perhaps the bad news for traffic is that lots of people discovered El Dorado County this year!  I was impressed with the level of creative thought as we discussed ideas for mitigation measures, reviewing what has been tried, what worked, what didn't, and where we need to go.  Lots of work ahead! Looking forward to working together with other agencies and collaborative partners.

Crosswalks on Missouri Flat

ED Trail

Many thanks to a county resident that contacted our office with a cautionary tale.  On occasion she has seen folks darting across Missouri Flat Road to connect to the El Dorado Trail.  While we wait for the Pedestrian Overcrossing to be funded and built, PLEASE USE THE CROSSWALK:-) 

There are signs on both sides of the road pointing to the crosswalk.  Additionally, there is fencing to help remind you.  Enjoy our El Dorado Trail, but please be safe and use the crosswalk!  (Just think, you will even get in a little extra exercise. That's a win-win!)


  • Celebrating Marshall Medical Center
  • Mosquito Road Bridge Project Approved
  • Harvest Traffic Chat
  • Caution about Crosswalks
  • Love Delivered... Thank you County Staff!
  • Housing with Bill Roby
  • Coffee with Kathleen Jermstad
  • Tour of Diamond Springs & El Dorado 




EL Dorado County Staff is pretty wonderful! 

For Valentine's Day, three County Departments 

  • Treasurer/Tax Collector
  • Assessor's Office and 
  • Recorder/Clerk 

sent Valentines and craft projects to the residents of Placerville Pines.

That is love in action!

(Thank you to our Department Heads and their staff for being so generous!)


Housing Discussion


Had a great zoom conversation with Bill Roby, the Executive Director of the El Dorado Community Foundation, discussing housing in El Dorado County.

The housing issue is complex.  On one hand, our residents do not want our quality of life eroded.  (I get that!).  On the other hand, housing is expensive, our options and selection are limited, and the State is imposing mandates that will challenge us.  Working through this issue will require us to open our minds, explore creative solutions and maybe test a pilot project or two.  It will require open community dialog and figuring out what we DO want in terms of design standards that enhance community character rather than detract from it.

Currently, the Foundation has embarked on a Housing Needs Assessment for Tahoe, and I look forward to further dialog and engagement in other parts of our county as the year unfolds.

More information on the  Foundation's Community Enhancement Projects 


Coffee Chat


It was a pleasure to meet with District 3 Fish and Wildlife Commissioner KATHLEEN JERMSTAD at Totem Coffee.

Kathleen brings to her appointment a wealth of knowledge and passion for wildlife.  We talked about migration patterns in EDC, and how important it is to have the right kind of fencing to allow for wildlife movement. See link below

Beyond that, we had a sweet conversation about the challenging nature of this past year as we find ourselves still coping with overwhelming circumstances. Just like wildlife are hardwired to deal only with their immediate environment, we are hardwired to affect our current reality, not take on the whole world as it seems we are being constantly asked to do.  Something to think about and be patient with ourselves in this current moment.

I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Thanks Kathleen. 

Wildlife Friendly Fencing


Spent a great day touring Diamond Springs & El Dorado

Started with coffee at Love Birds, reviewed project sites (the Parkway, Diamond Village Apartments, Dorado Oaks), visited with Casey at Kings Meats, toured mobile home parks then on to Poor Red's for lunch.  So fun!




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