Webinar: Value Capture Strategies: Developer Impact Fees -The Primer

Value Capture:
Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation

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An Every Day Counts Innovation

Value Capture Strategies: Developer Impact Fees -The Primer Webinar

Value Capture Strategy: Developer Impact Fees (DIF), also known as a Street Impact Fees, Transportation Impact Fees, or System Development Charges, are one-time fees assessed by local governments on developers to offset the costs of new or expanded infrastructure. New or expanded development increases the demand for facilities and services such as roads, utilities and public facilities. The goal is to have each new development share in the capital cost of any off-site facilities needed to serve the new development. In this way, growth can pay for itself and reduce the financial burden on the existing community.

Triangle image of roads, buildings, money sign

FHWA recently produced a primer on Developer Impact Fees  designed to provide information to transportation agencies that have DIF or are considering the use of DIF. It provides practical information on what DIF is, how it works, and where it is used, and provides informative case studies.

Join the Webinar

State and local (city, county, township) and Tribal transportation professionals are invited to attend the Value Capture Strategies: Developer Impact Fees -The Primer webinar.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT

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The program will feature experts from leading state and local authorities sharing their Developer Impact Fees program including the processes, requirements, accounting, administration, and much more. Participants have an opportunity interact with peer experts to gain an in-depth understanding the benefits and applicability of Developer Impact Fees.

There is no cost to participate but the space is limited. You must register to reserve your connection/space.

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