Our records indicate that your organization's online administrator has not yet designated contacts for prior authorization requests (PARs) in preparation for OnBoard: Limited Release, as announced in Subject Number 046-1387.
It’s important for you to do this now to ensure your organization is prepared for the new system.
The online administrator needs to log in to the Medical Portal administration website and verify that an email has been designated for every PAR type, every W-number, and every level of notification.
To learn how to add notification contacts, download the OnBoard Registration, Access and Administration Guide and view the Managing roles and notifications section.
A payer may designate a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) to review level 1 medication PARs, however the PBM must first complete the online PBM Medical Portal registration process. PBMs with access to the current Drug Formulary application will automatically be given access to OnBoard: Limited Release and existing user designations will automatically transfer into the new system.
A payer may also designate a medical review organization (MRO) to review their PARs, however the MRO must first complete the online Medical Review Organization Medical Portal registration process.
The registration and administration guide contains a detailed walkthrough for PBMs and MROs as well.
We are urging payers to share this information with any PBM and MRO vendors they work with to ensure these vendors have the necessary access to enable payers to assign and manage PBM and MRO user roles.
The Board will provide at least four weeks' advance notice before OnBoard launches, including training announcements.
Visit the Board’s OnBoard webpage to learn more about the project, including a fact sheet, FAQs, and recorded presentations for insurers. Subscribe to receive OnBoard-related news straight to your inbox.
For general questions, contact Customer Service at (877) 632-4996.
For technical assistance, contact WCBCustomerSupport@wcb.ny.gov.