Our records indicate that your firm has still not signed up to receive email notifications in eCase in preparation for OnBoard: Limited Release.
Signing up now ensures your firm will be ready to receive timely notifications when documents related to your client’s prior authorization requests (PARs) in OnBoard are added to their eCase folder and available for viewing.
When a PAR is submitted by your client’s health care provider in OnBoard, you can receive an email alerting you of the initial PAR submission (including most subsequent actions), and view any related documents in eCase if you or your firm:
- has an assigned R-Number;
- has an email address listed in your eCase profile; and
- is associated or on notice to the claim when the PAR is initially filed.
To sign up, your firm’s eCase Online Administrator must provide the email address associated with your firm’s R-Number on the eCase Online Administrator’s page of the Board’s website. This single email address for the firm will be used for all PAR status change notifications for the entire firm.
1. Within the eCase Online Administrator page, select Add or Update Email.
2. Enter the email address associated with the firm's R-Number and select Update Email.
![Attorney Email Update Page](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/NYWCB/2021/06/4624521/attorney-email-address-administrator-page_original.png)
Once signed up, your eCase Online Administrator can update the email address to which notifications are sent as needed.
The Board will provide at least four weeks' advance notice before OnBoard launches, including training announcements.
Visit the Board’s OnBoard webpage to learn more about the project including fact sheets for claimant and insurer attorneys, recorded presentations, and frequently asked questions for the attorney audience. Subscribe to receive OnBoard-related news straight to your inbox.