Training News from BWSR

Train Tracks NEW

In this issue:

Technical Training & Certification Program Updates

Technical Training & Certification Program Logo

Here are the monthly highlights for some upcoming trainings. You can always find the most current information for upcoming events on the Training Calendar.


Plant ID and Monarch Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide (WHEG)

During these field-based trainings, attendees will hone their plant identification skills and practice assessing pollinator habitat using the Monarch WHEG. The first session took place on June 7, but the two remaining sessions are coming up in Northfield on June 23 and Brainerd on July 12. More information and a link to the registration can be found here.


Basic Hydrology

Basic Hydrology training will be held at the Glencoe Government Center on Thursday, July 28th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This training covers basic concepts of determining hydrology for common conservation practices including runoff, curve numbers, peak discharges, and hydrographs. Students will learn about reading and delineating contour maps through example problems. This is the same training that has been offered virtually the last two years. More information and a link to register can be found here.


Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources Training provides attendees with awareness training related to cultural resources laws, regional historical contexts, and methods for identifying, evaluating, and treating effects to historic properties and other protected cultural resources. The course includes both classroom and field components conducted over the course of three days. This course is a required component for Certified Conservation Planner certification. Prerequisites for this course includes: Cultural Resources Training Series, Part 1, Working Effectively with Tribal Governments, and Conservation Planning Course Part 1. All three of these trainings require access to AgLearn. If you don’t already have an account, you can find instructions on requesting access here.


The classroom portion of this training will be held virtually during the morning of July 20 and 21. There is limited availability for this course. If you are interested in attending, please complete this questionnaire.


2022 Conservation Planning Course

As mentioned last month, the Conservation Planning Course will be held August 1-5 in Morris. Course attendees are required to be Level I Conservation Planners before attending, and it is expected that those attending this course will complete the additional requirements to become Level III Conservation Planners. The Level I Conservation Planner requirements can be found here. In addition to being a Level I Conservation Planner, all attendees need to complete the Core Competency modules before attending.


The prerequisites for this course will take approximately 55 hours to complete, and it is recommended that attendees have at least one year of experience before attending. At this time, we are planning to hold this course again in 2023.


Registration for this training will be open soon. NRCS is gathering a list of names for this course, but for everyone else interested in attending this training, please complete this questionnaire.


Wetland Plant ID

Wetland Plant Identification will be offered August 9th, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Spring Peeper Meadow at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Participants in this field-based training will learn to identify native wetland species found in emergent and wet meadow vegetation zones. The focus of the training will be to learn the key identification features that distinguish particular families and species of plants. There will also be discussions centered on establishment of species related to wetland restorations – species availability, seeding, plugs, diversity of mixes and tips for successful establishment. Common invasive species will also be identified and options for control of these species will be discussed. More information and a link to the registration can be found here.


Upcoming Training Events

BWSR Sponsored Training Events




October 25-27


BWSR Academy - Save the Date, Brainerd Area


Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program

Minnesota Wetland Professional Certification Program

July 11-15 Wetland Delineation and Regulation Basic Class - Arden Hills (Full)
August 16-17 MWPCP Regional Training - Cloquet
Sept 12-16 Wetland Delineation and Regulation Basic Class - Brainerd (Full)
October 5-6 MWPCP Regional Training - Bemidji


More information on all MWPCP classes can be found on the Wetland Training Opportunities page.

Technical Training & Certification Program Trainings

Tech Talk Webinars:  Mondays at 1:00 pm

June 27 Waterway Design Spreadsheet
July 11 Groundwater
July 25 Livestock Pipeline Design
August 8 Introduction to Managed Grazing Systems
August 15 Well Decommissioning
Sept 12 Side Water Inlet
June 23 Plant ID and Monarch Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide WHEG, Northfield
July 12 Plant ID and Monarch Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide WHEG, Brainerd
July 20-21 Cultural Resources Part 2, Online
July 28 Basic Hydrology, Glencoe
August 1-5

Conservation Planning Course, Morris

August 9


Wetland Plant ID, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Carver County



Related Partner Trainings




June 22

Introduction to Pollinator Habitat, PF, Dodge Center

June 28

Soil Health Dos and Don'ts, NRCS, Online

June 30

USFWS Easements, Restorations, and CRP Add-Ons, PF, Alexandria





July 7

Grazing with a Twist: How bison ranching can be both foreign and familiar, PF, Pelican Rapids

July 26

Creative Ways to Make Great Habitat, PF, Slayton

July 28

Glacial Ridge Wetland Restoration Tour, PF, Mentor

July 28

Shoreline & Watershed Practices Tour 2022, MECA, Cass SWCD & Beltrami SWCD; Walker





August 9-10

Field School for Soil Health Educators, Soil Health Nexus and UMN MOSH, Waseca

August 15-19

The Fundamentals of River Science, MDNR, Fergus Falls





Sept 8

Wetland Restoration in SW Minnesota, PF, Worthington





Dec 15-16

Soil Management Summit, UMN Extension, Waite Park


Learn on Your Own

Not all training takes place in a classroom. Check out the links below to learn at a time and place of your choosing.


We’ve also put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics. You can visit BWSR's Online Learning page to find web-based technical training resources sorted by category.




Program Contacts

Barbara Radke   Jon Sellnow David Demmer & Ben Meyer
Training Coordinator   Technical Training and Certification Program Coordinator MN Wetland Professional Certification Program Coordinators
(507) 844-0442   (218) 340-3521 (218) 464-8289 & (612) 201-9806 &