The MaineLinks Weeks of August 1 and August 8, 2022

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The MaineLinks Newsletter

Weeks of August 1 and August 8, 2022

What to Know!

Oh no! If you have just lost your job, what should you do first? Where do you start if you think you are eligible for unemployment benefits? How do you find a new job? The Maine Department of Labor has a Reemployment checklist that can guide you to the many resources available to help.

Make a plan, and set a goal for your job search. Follow your plan by performing at least one work search activity each week. Be able and available for work, and document your efforts to find employment. It is a good idea to treat looking for a job like it is a job. You will be successful when you network, use creativity, and keep reaching towards your goal.

When you need a new job, it is important to update your resume. Add your most recent work experience, consider how best to highlight your strengths, and don’t forget that your volunteer activities and community service might showcase some of your relevant skills too. There are workshops, websites, and CareerCenter Consultants who can assist you with this.

Use your Maine JobLink account to search for a new job. There are more than 27,000 open positions posted there right now, and some of them are near you! Use the filters to narrow your search and focus on the career fields that interest you. The CareerCenter can assist you with this, too.

If you don’t have a computer, you can visit a CareerCenter for this. CareerCenters are open on certain days for in person visits. Also - public libraries often have computers for public use.

In terms of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and questions, the Maine Department of Labor has a quick-reference guide Maintaining MY UI Eligibility The info you need and the ways to reach out with your specific UI issues are listed there.

We hope that your period of unemployment will not last long and that it will soon lead you to a wonderful new job. Remember all the ways that the CareerCenters can assist you!

August is:

National Immunization Awareness Month because vaccinations are important at all ages. Vaccines have reduced and, in some cases, eliminated many diseases that killed or severely disabled people just a few generations ago.

Notable Quote:

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

Training Talk!

No-cost, Short-term Training Available through the Maine Community College System The Maine Community College System is offering more than 25 free online training programs that are tied to skills and jobs currently in demand in Maine. The list of offerings includes medical coding, pharmacy technician, medical records technician, and Microsoft office specialist.  Courses can be started online at any time, are self-paced, and typically take between 5 and 12 months to complete. Most allow you to earn industry-recognized credentials that signal to employers that you have the skills.

TEAMS is Transition Employment Assistance for Military Spouses, a series of virtual workshops for military spouses and caregivers.

The coronavirus pandemic has created a tremendous amount of stress, anxiety, fear and general unrest for all of us. Hospitality employees have been affected due to shut-downs, re-opening requirements and ongoing implementation and enforcement of rules. HospitalityMaine offers a no-cost online De-Escalation training course that can be very helpful to all of us.

Hiring Events: (Click on the “Hiring Events” link for full list)

Workshops: (click on the “Workshops” link for more)

Pre-register online for these virtual opportunities:


GO MAINE is the statewide travel resource program.  They match up carpoolers; they help form vanpools; and they have a reward program for doing any sort of green commute, like carpooling, vanpooling, walking, biking, taking the bus, or teleworking. Through GO MAINE you can find rides, record your travel savings, get rewards, and help Maine meet our emissions reduction goals!

Really? I didn’t know AARP did that!  AARP is a champion for older Americans, and their mission can empower you in many areas of your life.

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