FHWA Local Aid Support Announces 2022 Build a Better Mousetrap Winners

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FHWA Local Aid Support Announces 2022 Build a Better Mousetrap Winners

The Federal Highway Administration’s Local Aid Support team in the Office of Transportation Workforce Development and Technology Deployment announces the 2022 recipients of the Build a Better Mousetrap National Recognition Program for Transportation Innovation.  Each year, FHWA recognizes and celebrates local government and tribal agencies who pioneer innovations that improve transportation performance.   Previous winners have been recognized for a range of innovations that save time and money while improving safety and customer service in their communities.

FHWA received a record number of exciting nominations this year from more than 20 states.  The national winners are recognized for their innovations in four categories: Innovative Project; Smart Transformation; Bold Steps; and Pioneer.  The winners were announced during the National Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program Association’s Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. 

Congratulations to the Build a Better Mousetrap 2022 recipients.   Here is a summary:

Innovative Project Award (Any solution that addresses any or all phases of the 'project' lifecycle - Planning, Design/Engineering, Construction, Operations and Maintenance.  This project introduces new ideas, is locally relevant, original, and creative in thinking.)

Winner:   South Manheim Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Innovation: “The Sidewinder”

Description:  The Sidewinder is a tool that is used to fill barriers or berms with compact materials such as gravel, soil, and rocks to control water flow along the roadways.

Bold Steps Award (A locally relevant high-risk project or process showing a break-through solution with demonstrated high-reward.)

Winner:  Walsh County Highway Department, North Dakota

Innovation: “Guardrail Maintainer”

Description: The Guardrail Maintainer is an attachment tool to quickly remove debris from around the guardrails so that they do not get into the roadway creating a safety hazard for drivers.

Smart Transformation Award (A locally relevant significant change in any transportation activity or process that is SMART "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound" in nature that results in improved efficiencies.)

Winner: Autonomous Municipality of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Innovation: “Public Survey Tool for Emergency Events”

Description: An electronic survey tool available to residents via social media to help emergency workers assess damage and prioritize response during emergency events.

Pioneer Award (A locally relevant product/tool that is among the first to solve a maintenance problem with a home-grown solution.)

Winner: Washington County Department of Public Works, New York

Innovation: “Culvert Cleaner”

Description: The Culvert Cleaner is a tool to safely and quickly remove dirt build-up in culverts caused by beavers.  This innovation was also voted Best All-Around local innovation by attendees to the National Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program Association’s Annual meeting.

The Federal Highway Administration Local Aid Support team supports workforce development and technology deployments within Local, Tribal, and Federal Land Management Agency transportation networks. More information on Build a Better Mousetrap and other initiatives can be found at  https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/clas/

You can also send your questions to CLAS@dot.gov