D3 Newsletter - 1/5/23

January 5, 2023

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200-Year Storm: Take Precautions & Be Prepared


This storm continues to be relentless.  Please know we are all in this together and county staff, law enforcement, emergency personnel and community partners are doing everything they can during this unprecedented storm.  It is critical that you stay informed, that you are prepared for power outages, evacuate if you live near areas that flood and that you look out for your neighbor.  We all need to be good to each other in times like this.

The County has launched a new website dedicated to the recent and upcoming storms. This one-stop-shop provides information about emergency alerts, sandbag locations, County road closures, utilities & more.  It will be continually updated to provide the most current information. Please bookmark & share!

2022-2023 Storm Information (edcgov.us)

Beyond that, see this additional message from the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services:

"If you live or are traveling through any of the El Dorado County burn scars created by the Caldor or Mosquito fires, be aware and prepared for mud slides and debris flows in those areas. The Mosquito Burn Scar area includes the properties north of Volcanoville Road into the Middle Fork of the American River Canyon which boarders Placer County. The Caldor Burn Scar includes the town of Grizzly Flats, Mormon Emigrant Trail, Highway 50 Corridor, and Christmas Valley in the South Lake Tahoe Basin. Due to the forecasted seriousness of the incoming weather, if you live in an area prone to flooding, be aware and prepared for new and recurring flooding in your area.  Please follow the El Dorado County and the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office Facebook pages for important information and emergency alerts"

Swearing-In Ceremonies


On January 3, 2023, Judge Ashworth presided over swearing-in ceremonies as we welcomed several new public servants to El Dorado County and celebrated many more who were re-elected. 

Supervisor Brooke Laine was sworn in as the representative of District 5 and Jon Deville as our new Assessor.   Re-elections included Supervisor Lori Parlin (District 4), Janelle Horne (Recorder-Clerk), Karen Coleman (Treasurer-Tax Collector), Brian Frazier (Surveyor), and Joe Harn (Auditor-Controller).  In other ceremonies, Jeff Leikauf was sworn in as our newly-elected Sheriff and Vern Pierson as our continuing District Attorney.

Congratulations to all, and I look forward to working with each one of you in our respective roles as we come together to serve the residents of El Dorado County.


Need Your Help!


Want better internet in El Dorado County?!  We need you to test your internet speed NOW so that we can report this information to the FCC and utilize the data for Broadband grant opportunities. The Broadband Speed Test Link is now live, and we ask you to please take this test before January 13!

Internet Speed Test (edcgov.us)

This link is for all businesses and residents within El Dorado County.  Internet speeds reported by providers are commonly incorrect and oftentimes give a misrepresentation of the actual internet speeds being delivered. This in turn minimizes funding opportunities that are available and gives residents false hope of faster internet speeds. This data will help us refute the reported speeds and provide accurate information.

For more information on the FCC map challenge read here. FCC National Broadband Map: Challenge Process for Local Governments - National League of Cities (nlc.org)

2023 BOS Leadership


I would like to thank my colleagues for granting me the privilege of serving as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2023

It is an honor I do not take lightly.  I also look forward to working with Supervisor Hidahl as Vice Chair, and Supervisor Turnboo as Second Vice Chair. 

I extend my gratitude to Supervisor Lori Parlin for her leadership as Past Chair and for setting an excellent standard of managing our meetings efficiently... standards I plan on continuing. And so we begin 2023.

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Happy New Year!


It is a new year and I like the thought that life is understood looking backwards but it is lived moving forward.

Looking backwards... life continued to challenge us in El Dorado County in 2022.  We began with “Snowmageddon”, recovery from the Caldor Fire was ongoing and relentless, and the Mosquito Fire added additional recovery efforts.  We also had challenges and changes in staffing at the county-level, and we all know that 2023 came gushing in with an historic 200 year-storm.        

Looking forward...we will be moving into some new uncharted waters in 2023.  The biggest change will be saying good-bye to our CAO, Don Ashton, and welcoming someone new into that critical leadership role.  A new CAO is a decision this board is giving grave consideration, and it will be a change that will require all of us to pull together. 

Additionally, we will be welcoming many new department heads as retirements loom, our temporary Navigation Center/Emergency Shelter will be opening in early February, and we will continue to work down our vast “to-do” list in terms of priorities.

With that, we welcome a new year, full of things that have never been.

I look forward to working with my colleagues, staff, community partners and all of you to come together to successfully embrace new opportunities as we will assuredly navigate additional challenges and change.

Happy New Year.


New D3 Planning Commissioner


On January 3, 2023, Lexi Boeger was approved as my appointee to the EDC Planning Commission.

I have worked with Lexi in many capacities over the years, and I selected her for  many reasons.  Lexi loves who we are as a Gold Rush County and she has a balanced perspective on where we need to go to remain relevant and prosperous.  A balanced perspective is a non-negotiable quality for me.

Lexi is also skilled in leadership capacities. She has been a consultant on El Dorado County land use and our General Plan to many local organizations, and her knowledge of our agricultural and rural roots will add a layered nuance to the Planning Commission.

Thank you Lexi for stepping up in this critical role!



We will open the book.

Its pages are blank.

We are going to put words on them ourselves.

The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”


Edith Lovejoy Pierce


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