February 20, 2023 Newsletter
Connect with the Commission
Executive Director Manny Santiago speaks at the Love, Equally Celebration
 Left to right: Manny Santiago, Executive Director of the WA State LGBTQ Commission; Commissioner Marsha Botzer, Taja Blackhorn, co-chair of the RAIN Business Resource Group; Former Governor Christine Gregoire all smiling in the reception room
On February 14th the LGBTQ Commission’s Executive Director, J Manny Santiago, spoke at a grand celebration of Washington’s ten years as a Marriage Equality State. Every available seat in the Capitol’s elegant Reception Room was filled as Manny told of the joy and safety the marriage decision brought to their own life, and of how so many in the room had contributed to winning that decision.
There was such a feeling of love in that huge room! Everywhere were smiles, tears, laughter, connections renewed, and hope. Cheers rose as Governor Inslee, former Governor Christine Gregoire, current Speaker Laurie Jinkins, and many others came to the lectern to speak with heart and mind about how people worked in unity, together, during the decades of struggle it took to reach marriage equality.
This joyful day was also the moment for Secretary of State Steve Hobbs to announce Legacy Washington’s new exhibit and book, both created as part of the Love Equality Project, and both designed to formally document years of LGBTQ marriage equality work. You can learn more about Legacy Washington’s Love, Equally exhibit, or purchase the book Love Equally: The Journey to Marriage Equality from their book store. The exhibit is in the Secretary of State’s Offices on the Capitol Campus.
When the speeches ended and people gathered to talk, Manny was surrounded by well-wishers proud to know we have a LGBTQ Commission hard at work in Washington. While everyone understood this day was for remembering and celebrating, almost every conversation also looked to the challenges of our current time and the future. We need each other – all of us - and the LGBTQ Commission knows this truth.
Check the Commission’s pages and see what the Commission is doing and how you could be involved. https://lgbtq.wa.gov/
Marsha Botzer, Commissioner
Opportunities for the Community
Pierce County – Protect trans Kids Rally
 Protect Trans Kids Rally
Date: Sunday, February 26th
Time: 12:00 noon
Location: Tollefson Plaza, 1548 Commerce Street, Tacoma WA 98402
More information through this link.
The Washington State Women’s Commission’s 2021-2022 Biennial Report is Now Available!
Read & download the 2021-2022 Washington State Women's Commission Biennial Report on our website here
 Our 2021-2022 Biennial Report Includes:
Who We Are - Meet our Leadership, Commissioners, & Legislative Advisors.
Critical Issues Facing Women & Girls in Washington State - Learn about the status of women's health, safety, and economic security & opportunity in Washington.
Recommended Solutions - Review Women's Commission recommended solutions, based on information gathered & presented in our critical issues section.
Highlights - Dive into the work of the Women's Commission in collaboration with the community, including reflections on listening sessions held across the state with diverse audiences.
Budget & Policy Agenda - Read about the policy issues the Women's Commission is committed to addressing, informing our legislative work this legislative session and beyond.
Manufacturer's Growth Grant For Underserved Enterprises
 Thanks to a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce’s new Small Business Innovation Fund (SBIF), Impact Washington will provide the assistance that small manufacturing businesses need to develop and grow.
This grant supports historically underserved communities. You may qualify for assistance if you are a manufacturer that has less than 50 employees or less than $7 million in gross revenue and one of these characteristics:
Located in rural* county
Call (425) 428-1146 for more information or visit the link to learn more.
Learn More and Apply through this link.
Join the 2023 Washington Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline Advisory Committee!
The Office of the Attorney General’s (AGO) Youth Program Team is looking for members to join the 2023 Washington Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline Advisory Committee!
The intent of the Washington Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline is to receive and respond to tips regarding risks or potential risks to the safety and well-being of youth. Once implemented, this program will be available 24/7/365, offer an app, text, chat, and phone line, and serve youth up to the age of 25. This program strives to be antiracist, trauma-informed, and youth-centered.
The purpose of 2023 Washington Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline Advisory Committee is to advise the AGO as it (1) reviews and analyzes tips received and responded to by the program to ensure tip responses are appropriate and proportional; (2) evaluates whether the program is being implemented equitably across the state; (3) proposes solutions for challenges that arise in regard to program utilization and tip responses; and (4) promotes the program.
Beginning in April, the 2023 Washington Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline Advisory Committee will meet quarterly, and meetings will last for 120 minutes.
If you are interested in serving as a member of the 2023 Youth Safety and Well-being Tipline Advisory Committee, please complete this application by March 3. After completing the application, if you are selected as a new Tipline Advisory Committee member, you will be notified by Clarissa Lacerda by the end of March.
For any questions, please contact the AGO Youth Program at youthprogram@atg.wa.gov
Pierce County and Neighboring Areas: Free Name Change Clinic
 Image: OASIS YOUTH CENTER logo; RAINBOW CENTER logo; Name badge "Hello my name is" FREE CLINIC!! and gray polka dots on a white background Text: Oasis & Rainbow Center present: February 25th @ noon & March 25th @ noon Name Change Clinic. Participants MUST be able to attend both days and RSVP in advance: https://forms.gle/PXWcKQcuQazEvkpG9
Oasis Youth Center and Rainbow Center have partnered to bring this Free Name Change Clinic to our community! RSVP here to save your spot: https://forms.gle/PXWcKQcuQazEvkpG9
Participants must be able to attend both sessions of the clinic, scheduled for Saturdays, February 25th and March 25th, both dates at noon.
Spokane County – Save the Date for Eastern Washington University “Drag Show On Ice: A Fairy's Tale 2023”
 Image: Logos: Right corner: Eagle Entertainment; SAN; Pride Center Left Corner: Eastern Washington University Eagle; Bottom right image of a ice castle with the back of person in a perple flowing dress, heals and long black air blowing in wind. Pink fairy silhouttes scattered around image. Text: DRAG ON ICE A Fairy's Tale Presented by Eagle Entertainment, PRIDE Center, Alumni Office, Spokane AIDS Network. Mark Your Calendars March 11, 2023 Time: 7pm-9pm Email csosa@ewu.edu regarding ticket information. Location: EWU University Recreation Center Ice Arena. Benefiting the Spokane AIDS Network
Join Eastern Washington University for their annual Drag Show, titled "Drag On Ice: A Fairy's Tale," sure to be a magical evening.
Saturday, March 11th
7:00 – 9:00 pm
University Recreation Center
1007 Elm Street Cheney, WA 99004
Tickets for sale here: https://tinyurl.com/29j7k5fv
Save the Date for Say It Out Loud Conference!
 Join us for the 22nd annual Say It Out Loud Conference back in person on May 22, 2023!
The theme this year is "Let's Get Reel": Getting real about our communities, what data tells us, needs and inequities and how we're addressing them, use of evidence-based care, history and evolution of genderqueer, projects, and research of our youth coalitions. Not shying away from topics but elevating them to promote change.
Davenport Grand
333 W Spokane Falls Boulevard
Spokane, WA 99201
Stay Tuned! Opening mid-February $75
Interested in sponsoring the 2023 SIOL Conference? CLICK HERE to learn more and contact us at contactus@sayingitoutloud.org
Learning Opportunity: Moving from Affirmation to Action: Working with Trans, Non-binary and Gender Nonconforming Individuals
Friday March 17th, 2023
8:30 am - 2:45 pm (Pacific)
Three consecutive workshop sessions with goals to increase affirming providers' capacity to offer gender affirming mental health care. This training requires a basic understanding of gender and will ask participants to further deconstruct the gender binary and explore the influence of Westernization, medicalization and white supremacy in our conceptualization of gender affirming care. Participants will also have the chance to learn more affirming language and practices that can be used in the therapy room.
Priority will be given to clinicians who serve individuals with Apple Health (Medicaid).
$50 Registration Fee
Continuing Education Hours will be offered
Stay tuned for more updates!
Reach out to contactus@sayingitoutloud.org for questions
Save the Date: Two-Spirit Gathering in Spokane Falls
 Image: Stylized sun, feather and water on yellow backgroup with QR Code, Spectrum Center logo, Spokane Pride logo Text: FREE Open to the public JUNE 9TH 2023. First date of Spokane Pride 1pm-8pm PST Riverfront Park @ The Lilac Bowl 507 N Howard St Spokane, WA 99201 QR Code link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2aCJDLLcb8jhqX9RXUhpVcroKFWnItOLCe2UzyoSXfUQHyQ/viewform
Legislative Session Updates
The LGBTQ Commission identifies legislative priorities annually and works with our Legislative Advisors and other legislators to advance bills that expand the rights of the community.
The current bills being monitored for 2023 so far are:
Legislative Priority:
HB 1089 - Supporting adults with lived experience of sex trafficking.
SB 5114 - Supporting adults with lived experience of sex trafficking. Companion bill
HB 1151 - Mandating coverage for fertility services.
SB 5204 - Mandating coverage for fertility services. Companion bill
Affecting the community:
HB 1028 - Supporting crime victims and witnesses by promoting victim-centered, trauma-informed responses in the legal system.
HB 1155 - Addressing the collection, sharing, and selling of consumer health data.
HB 1207 - Preventing and responding to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools.
HB 1239 - Establishing a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary
HB 1263 - Concerning material changes to the operations and governance structure of participants in the health care marketplace.
HB 1408 - Creating an account for the pharmaceutical rebate revenue generated by the purchase of medications for people living with HIV who are enrolled in the early intervention program.
HB 1469 – Concerning access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming
HB 1474- Creating the covenant homeownership account and program to address the history of housing discrimination due to racially restrictive real estate covenants in
HB 1541 - Establishing the nothing about us without us act.
HB 1723 - Concerning equity and environmental justice in the growth management act.
SB 5008 - Providing parents and legal guardians access to instructional materials.
SB 5009 - Requiring parental or legal guardian approval before a child participates in comprehensive sexual health education.
SB 5024 - Establishing parents' bill of rights related to their child's public education.
SB 5028 - Revising the process for individuals to request name changes.
SB 5029 - Empowering school district boards of directors.
SB 5142 - Creating an account for the pharmaceutical rebate revenue generated by the purchase of medications for people living with HIV who are enrolled in the early intervention program.
SB 5186 - Requiring antidiscrimination clauses in public contracting
SB 5230 - Concerning extended foster care services.
SB 5237 - Establishing complaint procedures to address noncompliance with certain state education laws
SB 5241 - Concerning material changes to the operations and governance structure of participants in the health care marketplace.
SB 5351 - Addressing the collection, sharing, and selling of consumer health data
SB 5355 - Mandating instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification for students in grades seven through 12
SB 5441 - Promoting the adoption of school district curricula that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
SB 5462 - Promoting inclusive learning standards and instructional materials in public schools
SB 5489 - Concerning access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state.
SB 5599 - Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.
SB 5616 - Establishing the nothing about us without us act.
SB 5651 - Concerning equity and environmental justice in the growth management act.
SJR 8202 - Amending the Constitution to address reproductive freedom.
- You can find a full list of the bills we are watching in the 2023 session through this link.
The LGBTQ and ally community in Washington has several ways to be involved in advocating for issues that are important to us. Here are some tools you can use:
Washington State LGBTQ Legislative Caucus
Contact Your Legislator
Find Your Legislator: Enter your address to find your current legislative and congressional district.
- Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000 (TTY for Hearing Impaired 1-800-635-9993). Callers to the Hotline can leave a brief message for their district legislators, Governor or Lt. Governor on issues of concern or on questions they may have about bills or laws. For non-English speaking callers, the Hotline offers interpreter services for many languages.
E-mail: Click a legislator’s name to go to the e-mail form for that legislator
Visiting the Legislature: Information about directions, parking, Capitol Campus activities and events, and tours.
Bill Information
Bill Information: Find out the latest information on a piece of legislation.
Legislative Process: Learn how a bill becomes a law.
How to Testify in Committee: Your opportunity to testify comes at the committee hearings. If you cannot appear before a committee, contact your legislator making your position on a bill known.
TVW: Washington’s public affairs network, providing gavel-to-gavel coverage of Washington State Legislature sessions and coverage of the Washington State Supreme Court and public affairs events.
Working Families Tax Credit - A New Tax Credit for Washington Workers
Starting in 2023, the Working Families Tax Credit is a new tax refund that helps Washington workers and their families get more money back at tax time. The refund returns a portion of sales tax paid each year and is modeled after the federal Earned Income Tax Credit program.
The purpose of the Working Families Tax Credit is to stimulate the local economy, promote racial equity, and support the financial stability and well-being of low-to-moderate income Washington residents and their families.
This credit program is managed by the Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR), the state’s tax administration agency.
Find out more information about this program by visiting the Working Families Tax Credit page through this link.
Interested in serving on Commissions and Boards?
Monthly Upcoming Appointment Opportunities
Washington is home to vibrant communities and diverse Washingtonians who all have unique talents, skills and experiences. Governor Inslee places a high priority on boards, commissions, and agencies that are reflective of the diverse make-up of Washington and that utilize the impressive talent of Washingtonians. We are always seeking skilled and experienced individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to participate in boards and commissions ensuring an effective and representative government.
We are excited to share the highlighted Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.
As someone with deep roots in your respective communities and organizations, we hope that you will share these opportunities. Anyone interested in being appointed will need to fill out this Application. Please explore the Boards and Commissions Profiles if you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities to get involved!
Thank you for your assistance in helping Governor Inslee find well-rounded candidates with significant talent and diverse experiences. Please feel free to reach out to Boards and Commissions staff with any questions you might have. Thank you for your time.
Jobs Opportunities for LGBTQ Washingtonians
Check out the list of job opportunities for the community on our Careers Opportunities page by visiting this link.
We are excited to share job postings sent to the LGBTQ Commission. There are three requirements to be included on our page:
- The job needs to be able to be done in Washington State (virtual works)
- The business must have an inclusivity and/or equal opportunity statement
- The job posting must include a salary range.
Please send any job opportunity to share with the community to our Program Manager, Tracey Carlos (she/her) to tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Have something you want to share in our newsletter? Please send any submissions to Tracey Carlos, Program Manager, at tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Deadline for all submissions is Thursdays by 12:00 PM Pacific Time.
Published Monday mornings.