Montana VA Announces Veterans Flu Vaccination Events



flu poster

Montana’s Veterans have multiple options to get their flu shot over the month of November!

Wednesday, November 13, 7:00am - 8:00am

Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow VA Clinic
1775 Spring Creek Lane, Billings

Thursday, November 14, 4:30pm - 6:00pm

VA Clinic main entrance
1775 Spring Creek Dr

Friday, November 15, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Great Falls
Great Falls VA Clinic, Cascade City-County Health Dept.
115 14th St. S


Travis W. Atkins Veteran Support Center
(136 Romney Hall, Montana State University)
1101 E Main St. Ste 201

Thursday, November 21, 4:30pm-6:30pm

Great Falls
Great Falls VA Clinic
1400 29th South, Suite 1 

Tuesday, December 3, 4:30pm - 6:30pm:

Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow VA Clinic
1775 Spring Creek Lane, Billings

Notify your primary care team if you received the vaccine in the community.

If these events do not fit your schedule, click here to find more options:
Montana VA Flu Campaign


To learn more about flu vaccinations, visit us on YouTube:
Montana VA Reminds Veterans About Flu Vaccinations (


Montana Veterans can click here, to learn more about times for each location.


And, don’t forget, eligible Veterans can get a no-cost flu shot within their community from in-network!


Veterans can connect to their VA healthcare records, information, and message their VA care teams 24 hours a day through the MyHealtheVet patient portal (

Montana VA information, updates, and events are available on the Montana VA website ( and Facebook page (