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Dollar Fire

Unit Information

1249 S. Vinnell Way 
1249 S. Vinnell Way 

Incident Contacts

Fire Information Line
Phone: 208-462-0345
Hours: 8am-8pm

The Dollar Fire, Snag Fire, and the Goat Fire are part of the West Mountain Fires currently managed by the Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team Three under Incident Commander Bill Waln. This page is specific to the Dollar Fire.

For information on evacuations and road closures so be sure to follow the Valley County Sheriff's Facebook page or call them at (208) 382-5160.

To learn more about the Ready, Set, GO evacuation system click this link.

The Boise National Forest, Idaho Department of Lands, and Bureau of Land Management are in Stage 1 fire restrictions on state, endowment, private and federal lands within the West Central Mountains Fire Restrictions Zone. For more information, visit the Idaho fires Restrictions website at: 

Basic Information
Current as of Wed, 09/25/2024 - 18:15
Incident Time Zone America/Boise
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning/Natural
Date of Origin
Location 18 miles NE of Cascade, Idaho
Incident Commander Bill Waln IC Rocky Mountain CIMT3
Dylan Rader IC(T)
Coordinates 44° 43' 2'' Latitude
-115° 48'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 1
Size 4,360 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 8%
Estimated Containment Date 10/15/2024
Fuels Involved

Timber (Grass and Understory)

Closed Timber Litter 

Timber (Litter and Understory)

Fuels primarily consist of Ponderosa Pine, Lodgepole pine, Douglas Fir and manzanita with moderate to heavy dead and down. Recent bug kill timber and fire scars have contributed to numerous snags. 

Both 100-hour and 1000-hour fuels are near seasonal average, which are the lowest typically observed during the year. ERC and BI are near the 75th percentile.

Significant Events



Cool, west conditions limited fire behavior to smoldering across the fire.

Planned Actions

 Monitoring fire movement in the areas near Square Top and Blackmare Lakes. 

Projected Incident Activity

12 hours: Cooler temperatures, higher humidity are forecast to occur which should limit fire activity and potential growth.

24 hours: Cool and wet weather returns and will further moisten fuels and inhibit growth.

48 hours: Cool and wet weather returns and will further moisten fuels and inhibit growth.

72 hours:  Dryer and slightly warmer weather will allow fine fuels to begin to dry though no growth is expected. 

Anticipated after 72 hours: Dryer and slightly warmer weather will allow fine fuels to begin to dry though no growth is expected.


This incident is being prioritized with two other incidents  (Snag, and Goat). Differences in resource numbers listed on the ICS-204s and reported in the ICS-209 are a result of sharing resources through lend/lease across all incidents being managed by Rocky Mountain CIMT3. 

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Light showers overnight gave way to a mostly sunny sky by early afternoon. Showers and thunderstomrs began to develop to the southwest of the fire area. Early afternoon temperatures ranged from the upper 50s to the mid 70s. Relative humidities ranged from the mid 40s to lower 60s. Winds were generally from the northwest at 5 to 10mph with gusts to 15 mph on the ridges and exposed areas. 

Forecast for Tuesday, 9/17/2024

A chilly and Damp day is expected with wetting rains once again. Temperatures will be 15 to 20 colder than Monday and will range from the lower 40s on the ridges to the lower 60s in the valleys. Winds will become southwest but remain light at less than 10mph. Relative humidity values are expected to remain in the 80s and 90s through much of the day.