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Tribal Advisory Council

HRSA created the Tribal Advisory Council (TAC) in 2021 as a forum for elected Tribal officials and HRSA staff to exchange views, information, and advice about:

  • Emerging public health issues in Indian Country
  • Urgent public health resources and service needs
  • Collaborative approaches to address the issues and needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives 

The TAC will support, and not take the place of, any other government-to-government consultation activities that we do. 


HRSA established the HRSA TAC as one method of enhancing communications with Tribal Nations. The HRSA TAC Charter complies with an exemption within the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) (P.L. 104-4)1 to the Federal Advisory Committee Act that promotes free communication between the federal government and Tribal governments.

Read the HRSA TAC Charter (PDF - 79 KB)

Contact us

Email IEA’s Tribal Affairs team

Designated Federal Official

Email Commander Venus Uttchin

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