Tonnage of Top 50 U.S. Water Ports, Ranked by Total Tons
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table_01_57_082624.xlsx (21.93 KB)Notes:
When summarizing domestic commerce the following movements were excluded: Cargo carried on general ferries, coal and petroleum products loaded from shore facilities directly into bunkers of vessels for fuel, and insignificant amounts of government materials (less than 100 tons) moved on government owned equipment in support of Corps projects.
Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.
Tonnage data between 2022, 2021, and 2012 may not be comparable due to statistical areas change.
KEY: N = data do not exist.
a Tonnage totals include both domestic and foreign waterborne trade.
b Data for 2021 and 2012 are based on the top 50 water ports in 2021 and 2012, and are not a summation of the numbers in the table.
c All ports excludes duplication.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Principal Ports of the United States, Waterborne tonnage for principal U.S. ports and all 50 states and U.S. territories, available at as of Aug. 15, 2024.