What’s a Health Center Program look-alike?
LAL ID Technical Assistance (TA) webinar | TA webinar slides (PDF - 976 KB)
Find out how and when to apply for Health Center Program LAL ID.
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You must:
Review the application instructions for the full list of criteria.
Do the following:
*Note: Individuals using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in some of these files. For assistance, please use the BPHC Contact Form.
Fill out your application. You have 90 days to complete your application in the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs).
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Add 'BPHCAnswers@hrsa.gov' to your address book to make sure you receive our reply email.
If you have a question about: | You can reach us at: |
Program |
Under Look-Alike Designation, select Initial Designation (LAL-ID) |
EHBs |
Under Technical Support, select EHBs Tasks/EHBs Technical Issues Call 877-464-4772 (select option 1) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday (except federal holidays) |