Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA)

Prince of Wales sub alpine with ferns and trees

The process for implementation of the activities authorized by the POW LLA Final Record Of Decision will be guided by input from the tribes and the public, and maintained within a ‘living document’.  This document will be adjusted as public input helps determine the location and types of activities, as well as how extensively they will occur across the landscape.

The area for the POW LLA Project encompasses all of Prince of Wales Island as well as surrounding islands that make up the two ranger districts. Public involvement for this project includes: public meetings in various communities, subsistence hearings, information posted in community areas, entries in local publications like the Island Post, and contributions from the Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team.* This website will be the central source of information for all interested individuals and groups, and to keep the public up-to-date on the Forest Service’s planning progress. *a collaborative group independently formed to provide widely based proposals to be considered by the U.S. Forest Service in the POW LLA Project development and analysis process. 

The Tongass National Forest has transitioned to an electronic mailing system for all projects and planning efforts, including the POW LLA Project. We will communicate project updates and announcements through this system and invite you to sign up by clicking here and submitting your email address. You may select other Tongass Projects that interest you as well by managing your subscriber preferences after you sign up.

If you would like to comment electronically on the POW LLA Project during specified public comment periods you may do so here. Please note, when a comment period is not open, the ability to submit electronic comments online will not be enabled, and contact information for the project leader will be displayed at that link. We welcome your input at any time, and look forward to continuing to work with you on implementing a successful landscape-level project.

For FAQs and answers, please see our Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) FAQs page

For more information, contact Mark Pentecost, District Ranger, at 907-826-1600


The Implementation Plan (Final Record of Decision (ROD) Appendix 2) documents the process for implementation of the activities authorized by the Final ROD. This is meant to be a ‘living’ document and may need to be adjusted, as noted in the appendix, as we learn more through the implementation of each activity. Public participation and collaboration that occurred during the planning process was truly appreciated and continuation of this process was incorporated into the Implementation Plan (see steps 1, 4, 5, and 9 in Appendix 2 below). We are inviting the public to continue to be involved in this project.

2024 Public Workshop and Comment Period, May 2024

We are seeking public input through a workshop and public comment period on the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) 2024 draft Long-term Plan. The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities throughout the implementation process. The draft FY 2024 Invasives Treatment Plan provides additional information about proposed treatments.  The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities. 

The first opportunity to provide comments will be during an online workshop to be held on May 9, 2024, 5:00-7:00 p.m., where project components will be presented and discussed. Click here to Join the meeting now (Meeting ID 291 205 884 267, Passcode JPEUfd).  You can join the workshop without downloading any software by choosing ‘Continue on Your Browser.’ You may also phone into the workshop (sound only) by calling 1-202-650-0123 and enter phone conference ID 848 930 126#.

Comments from the workshop will be considered and incorporated as appropriate, then made available to the public during a 30-day public comment period scheduled to begin on May 10, 2024. Comments may be submitted during the comment period by clicking on the Comment Link on the right side of this webpage. Note that you will not be able to submit comments this way until the public comment period opens. If anyone has trouble submitting comments electronically, they may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, Attn: POW LLA Long-term Plan, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne Bay, AK, 99919-0001.

For more information, contact Ken Ostrom at or 907-828-3210.

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project!

POW LLA Winter 2023 Update

Thank you all for your participation in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) Fall 2023 workshop and public comment period!  We appreciate your time and input.  We have considered all comments received and modified the documents.  We considered comments, documents for review, and presentations from the Fall 2023 Workshop held Oct 10, 2023, as well as the 30-day public comment period that began October 17, 2023.

If you would like additional information on this process or response to comments, please contact Quentin Hall at 907-828-3304, or

POW LLA Fall 2023 Public Comment Period

We are seeking your input during this public comment period on the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) Fall 2023 draft Long-term Plan, draft FY24 Invasives Treatment Plan, and Implementation Plan Review. We considered comments, documents for review, and presentations from the Fall 2023 Workshop which was held on Oct 10, 2023.  This public comment period will begin October 17, 2023 and run for 30 days.

The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities throughout the implementation process. The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities.  The draft FY 2024 Invasives Treatment Plan provides additional information about proposed treatments.  The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities. 

We are also seeking your input on improvements to improve the implementation process.  The implementation process was originally outlined in Appendix 2 of POW LLA’s Record of Decision.  After four years of implementation, we have proposed changes intended to simplify and clarify the implementation process, based on lessons learned.  The most important of these is a proposal to change to hold workshops once a year (versus twice a year) and dropping the requirement for publication of workshop announcements in the newspaper of record.  We also seek public input on potentially adding time after POW LLA workshops to discuss other District activities.  We welcome your input to make this process better.

Note that proposed changes to the Implementation Plan are recorded in the Track Changes option in Microsoft Word, so that you can see both the original and proposed wording.  You can toggle the view of these changes on and off by opening the document in Microsoft Word, click on the Review Tab, and then click “All Markup” or “No Markup” in the drop-down menu.

Comments may be submitted on the here.  Note that you will not be able to submit comments this way until the public comment period opens. If anyone has trouble submitting comments electronically, they may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, Attn: POW LLA Long-term Plan, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne, AK, 99919-0001.

Point of Contact:  Quentin Hall at 907-828-3304,

Fall 2023 Public Workshop and Comment Period, October 2023

We are seeking public input through a workshop and public comment period on the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) Fall 2023 draft Long-term Plan. The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities throughout the implementation process. The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities.  We are seeking public input through a workshop and public comment period on the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) Fall 2023 draft Long-term Plan. The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities throughout the implementation process. The draft FY 2024 Invasives Treatment Plan provides additional information about proposed treatments.  The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities. 

We are also seeking your input on improvements to improve the implementation process.  The implementation process was originally outlined in Appendix 2 of POW LLA’s Record of Decision.  After five years of implementation, we have proposed changes intended to simplify and clarify the implementation process, based on lessons learned.  The most important of these is a proposal to change to hold workshops once a year (versus twice a year) and dropping the requirement for publication of workshop announcements in the newspaper of record.  We also seek public input on potentially adding time after POW LLA workshops to discuss other District activities.  We welcome your input to make this process better.

Note that proposed changes to the Implementation Plan are recorded in the Track Changes option in Microsoft Word, so that you can see both the original and proposed wording.  You can toggle the view of these changes on and off by opening the document in Microsoft Word, click on the Review Tab, and then click “All Markup” or “No Markup” in the drop-down menu.

The first opportunity to provide comments will be during an online workshop to be held on October 10, 2023, 5:30-7:30 p.m., where project components will be presented and discussed. Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID 257 428 206 51, Passcode iEa7K7).  You can join the workshop without downloading any software by choosing ‘Continue on Your Browser.’ You may also phone into the workshop (sound only) by calling 1-202-650-0123 and enter phone conference ID 598 913 265#.

Comments from the workshop will be considered and incorporated as appropriate, then made available to the public during a 30-day public comment period scheduled to begin on October 17, 2023. Comments may be submitted during the comment period by clicking on the Comment Link on the right side of this webpage. Note that you will not be able to submit comments this way until the public comment period opens. If anyone has trouble submitting comments electronically, they may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, Attn: POW LLA Long-term Plan, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne, AK, 99919-0001.

For more information, contact Quentin Hall at 907-828-3304, or by email at

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project!

Summer Update, August 2023

The Fall 2023 Workshop is currently planned for October 10, 2023, 5:30-7:30 pm. Additional details for the workshop to be announced in September.

For more information, contact Quentin Hall, IDT Lead, at 907-828-3304,

Public Comment Period for 2023 Invasives Treatment Plan, July 2023

The Tongass National Forest is seeking public input through a public comment period on the draft Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) 2023 Invasives Treatment Plan.  The comment period is scheduled to begin July 21, 2023, and run for 14 days.

Proposed invasive plant treatments for 2023 were presented and discussed during POW LLA’s Spring 2023 workshop, as well as the subsequent 30-day public comment period.  In response to comments received during that process, we are providing an Invasives Treatment Plan that provides additional details and site-specific maps to clarify proposed herbicide treatments.

Comments may be submitted during the comment period by clicking on the Comment Link during the public comment period. If anyone has trouble submitting comments electronically, they may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, Attn: POW LLA Long-term Plan, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne, AK, 99919-0001.

For more information, contact Quentin Hall at 907-828-3304, or by email at

30-day public comment period for the POW LLA Spring 2023 Long-term Plan begins May 15, 2023

We are asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the Long-term Plan (previously “Out-year Plan”) for the Project. Proposed project activities include recreation, stream restoration, fish crossing/aquatic organism passage, and invasive plant management activities. Note that no timber sale activities are included in the current Plan. The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process. 

The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed in the Long-term Plan. The plan includes consideration of the input received from the public before and during the online public workshop held on May 8, 2023.  The Plan is presented in old and new formats, available for review and comment below.

The 30-day comment period will begin May 15, 2022. There are several ways for the public to submit their written input:​

Draft Long-term Plan for Comment

Presentations from the Spring 2023 Workshop

Information for submitting comments is above.  For more information on the project or how to submit comments, contact Quentin Hall at 907-828-3304, or by email at

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project.

Spring 2023 Public Workshop and Comment Period, May 2023

The Tongass National Forest is seeking public input through a workshop and public comment period on the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) Spring 2023 draft Long-term Plan (Out-year Plan). The Long-term Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities throughout the implementation process. It includes consideration of input already received from the public during previous comment opportunities. The Tongass National Forest is asking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures and integration opportunities, as well as the annual review process itself.  We are providing the same information in the ‘old’ format, as well as a revised ‘new’ format which is easier to read and track.

The first opportunity to provide comments will be during an online workshop held on May 8, 2023, 5:30-8:00 p.m., where project components will be presented and discussed. Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID 265 403 827 382, Passcode wwq6Pq).  You can join the workshop without downloading any software by choosing ‘Continue on Your Browser.’ You may also phone into the workshop (sound only) by calling 1-202-650-0123 and enter phone conference ID 288 656 093#. 

Comments from the workshop will be incorporated into the draft Long-term Plan and made available to the public during a 30-day public comment period scheduled to begin on May 15, 2023. Comments may be submitted during the comment period by clicking on the Comment Link. If anyone has trouble submitting comments electronically, they may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, Attn: POW LLA Long-term Plan, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne, AK, 99919-0001.

For more information, contact Quentin Hall at 907-828-3220, or by email at

Winter Update, March 2023

Please note the Forest plans to hold a Spring public workshop on May 8, 2023. Additional details of the workshop to be announced at a later date.

For more information, contact Quentin Hall, IDT Lead, at 907-828-3220,

30-day comment period for proposed activities in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project:  Public review period for the POW LLA Fall 2022 Out-year Plan

We are asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the “Out-year Plan” for the Project. Proposed project activities include recreation, stream restoration, fish crossing/aquatic organism passage, and invasive plant management activities. Note that no timber sale activities are included in the current Plan. The “Out-year Plan” is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process. 

The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed in the Outyear Plan. The Out-year Plan includes consideration of the input received from the public before and during the public workshop held on December 15, 2022.

The month-long comment period will begin December 22, 2022. There are several ways for the public to submit their written input:​

Fall Public Workshop, December 2022

The Tongass National Forest is pleased to announce that the Fall 2022 POW LLA Project Public Workshop will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2022, from 9 a.m. to Noon through an online workshop.  Project components will be presented and discussed during the workshop. Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 237 075 849 210, Passcode: n8j6cu).  You can join the meeting without downloading any software by choosing the “Continue on Browser” option. You may also phone into the workshop (sound only) by calling 1-202-650-0123 and enter phone conference ID 725 980 395#. 

The purpose of the Fall Public Workshop is to receive public input on the proposed activities for the next 5 years. The Forest Service and the public will be able to review and discuss activities proposed for implementation over the next 5 years, and will provide an opportunity to discuss locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their questions or suggestions to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop. Additionally, the public will be able to submit and review submitted applicable peer-reviewed research or individual studies to be considered that may influence implementation of activities.

The refined activities resulting from discussions at the workshop, and from information submittals, will be made available to the public for comment during a 30-day comment period, currently scheduled to begin December 22, 2022.

Your interest in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project and management of the Tongass National Forest is appreciated.  For more information, contact Ronald Milton at 907-828-3259, or by email at

Summer Update, July 2022

Please note the Forest plans to hold a Fall public workshop on November 5, 2022. Additional details of the workshop to be announced at a later date.

For more information, contact Mark Pentecost, District Ranger, at 907-826-1600

30-day comment period for proposed activities in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project:  Public review period for the POW LLA Spring 2022 Out-year Plan

We are asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the “Out-year Plan” for the Project. Proposed project activities include recreation, stream restoration, fish crossing/aquatic organism passage, and invasive plant management activities. Note that no timber sale activities are included in the current Plan. The “Out-year Plan” is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process. 

The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed as “draft” in the Outyear Plan. The Out-year Plan includes consideration of the input received from the public before and during the public workshop held on April 2, 2022.

The month-long comment period will begin April 20, 2022. There are several ways for the public to submit their written input:​

Out-year Plan, April 2022

Watershed Management Activities

Invasive Plant Treatments

Watershed Restoration

Fish Crossings/Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)

Sustainable Recreation Management

Information for submitting comments is above.  For more information on the project or how to submit comments, contact Lucy Aragon at 907-828-3250, or by email at

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project.

The Spring 2022 public workshop for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis (POW LLA) Project

The Tongass National Forest is pleased to announce that the Spring 2022 POW LLA Project Public Workshop will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a virtual workshop online or conference line (1-202-650-0123, Passcode 628 050 815#).

The purpose of the Public Workshop Meeting is to receive public input on the proposed activities for the next 5 years. The Forest Service and the public will be able to review and discuss activities proposed for implementation over the next 5 years, and will provide an opportunity to discuss locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for activities presented.

If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their questions or suggestions to via email or 907-828-3250  . Additionally, the public will be able to submit and review submitted applicable peer-reviewed research or individual studies to be considered that may influence implementation of activities.

The refined activities resulting from discussions at the workshop, and from information submittals, will be made available to the public during a comment period anticipated to begin April 15, 2022.

Your interest in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project and management of the Tongass National Forest is appreciated.

Winter Update, February 2021

The POW LLA Outyear Plan for Fall 2021 has been updated and approved.

Please note the Forest plans to hold a Spring public workshop on April 2, 2022. Additional details of the workshop to be announced at a later date. 

30-day comment period for proposed activities in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project:  Public review period for the POW LLA Out-year Plan
starting November 19, 2021

We are asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the “Out-year Plan” for the Project. The “Out-year Plan” is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process.

The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed as “draft” in the Outyear Plan. The Out-year Plan includes consideration of the input received from the public before and during the public workshop held on November 13, 2021, with links to materials below. Proposed project activities include recreation, botany/invasive plant management, watershed restoration, and fish crossing/aquatic organism passage.

The current comment period begins November 19, 2021 and runs for 30 days. The primary way to comment is to upload comments at If you are unable to submit comments online, you may mail or hand-deliver comments to Thorne Bay Ranger District, P.O. Box 19001, Thorne Bay, AK 99919-0001. 

Out-year Plan, November2021

Watershed Management Activities

Invasive Plant Treatments

Aquatics/Fisheries Restoration

Sustainable Recreation Management

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project.

Fall Public Workshop, November 2021

The Tongass National Forest is pleased to announce that the Fall 2021 POW LLA Project Public Workshop will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a virtual workshop online.  (If you do not want to download Teams software, simply choose ‘Continue on browser.’)  You may also call in (audio only, 1-202-650-0123, Passcode 144 702 668#). 

The purpose of the Fall Public Workshop is to receive public input on the proposed activities for the next 5 years. The Forest Service and the public will be able to review and discuss activities proposed for implementation over the next 5 years, and will provide an opportunity to discuss locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their questions or suggestions to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop. Additionally, the public will be able to submit and review submitted applicable peer-reviewed research or individual studies to be considered that may influence implementation of activities.

The refined activities resulting from discussions at the workshop, and from information submittals, will be made available to the public for comment during a 30-day comment period, to be announced at a later date.

Your interest in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project and management of the Tongass National Forest is appreciated.  For more information, contact Lucy Aragon at 907-828-3250, or by email at

Summer Update, June 2021

The POW LLA Outyear Plan for Summer 2021 has been updated and approved.

Please note that the Forest plans to hold a fall public workshop in early November – date to be announced.

30 day comment period for proposed activities in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project:  Public review period for the POW LLA Out-year Plan
Completed June 13, 2021

We are asking for the public’s input over the next 30 days on a wide array of proposed activities included in the “Out-year Plan” for the Project. The “Out-year Plan” is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process.

The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed as “draft” in the Outyear Plan. The Out-year Plan includes consideration of the input received from the public before and during the public workshop held on May 8, 2021. Proposed project activities include recreation, watershed restoration, fish crossing/aquatic organism passage, and botany/invasive plant management activities. Note that no timber sale activities are included in the current Plan.

The month-long comment period begins May 13, 2021 and concludes June 13, 2021. There are several ways for the public to submit their written input:

Out-year Plan, May 2021

Watershed Management Activities

Invasive Plant Treatments

Watershed Restoration

Fish Crossings/Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)

Sustainable Recreation Management

Information for submitting comments is above.  For more information on the project or how to submit comments, contact IDT Lead Erica Goad at 907-748-2086, or by email at

We look forward to your continued interest and input into the implementation of the POW LLA Project.

The 2021 spring public workshop for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project

The Tongass National Forest is pleased to announce that the Spring 2021 POW LLA Project Public Workshop will be held on Saturday, May 8, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a virtual workshop online or conference line (1-202-650-0123, Passcode 459 327 889#).

The purpose of the Public Workshop Meeting is to receive public input on the proposed activities for the next 5 years. The Forest Service and the public will be able to review and discuss activities proposed for implementation over the next 5 years, and will provide an opportunity to discuss locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their questions or suggestions to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop. Additionally, the public will be able to submit and review submitted applicable peer-reviewed research or individual studies to be considered that may influence implementation of activities.

The refined activities resulting from discussions at the workshop, and from information submittals, will be made available to the public for comment during a 30-day comment period, to be announced at a later date.

Your interest in the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project and management of the Tongass National Forest is appreciated.

Summer Update, September 2020

Implementation direction has been provided for the POW LLA Project following the June 24, 2020, United States District Court for the District of Alaska final judgment in Case No. 1:19-cv-00006-SLG (Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, et al. v. United States Forest Service, et al.). In addition, the Out-year Plan has been updated to reflect this direction by removing all vegetation management activities.

Please note that the Forest plans to hold a fall public workshop in early November – date to be announced.

Spring Update, May 2020

Thank you for your continued interest in management of national forest system lands on Price of Wales Island on the Tongass National Forest. Please be advised that there will be no Spring Workshop held for the POW LLA Project this year. We are limiting public meetings in compliance with state and local health and safety guidelines. This will not adversely affect public participation for the POW LLA, because any projects that may be implemented this year under the Record of Decision have already been presented in previous Public Workshops and Out Year Plan comment periods. 

Out-year Plan, November 2019

We are once again asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the latest Out-year Plan for the project. The Out-year Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process. The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed as “draft” in the Out-year Plan. The month long comment period begins November 20, 2019 and concludes December 20, 2019. See the “Out-year Plan News Release” below for more information on the Out-year Plan comment period. All materials used during the Public Workshop is available below.

Vegetation Management Activities

Commercial Timber Harvest

Watershed Management Activities

Invasive Plant Treatments

Stream Restoration

Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)

Sustainable Recreation Management

Basic Maintenance


Public Workshop, November 2019

The Forest Service will hold the second public workshop on November 9, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Prince of Wales Vocational and Technical Education Center, 6565 Boundary Road, in Klawock, Alaska.

The public (collaborators, partners, tribes, Native corporations, and other interested stakeholders) is invited to attend this fall workshop to be able to present activities that they would like to be implemented and review activities presented by the Forest Service. The public will help to determine locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, prioritization of activities, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their activity proposals to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop.

All activities presented and the suggested modifications will be placed on the Project Out-year plan as “draft”. The Project Out-year Plan will be made available to the public to give everyone an opportunity to help determine locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, prioritization of activities, and integration opportunities for activities as presented and any suggested modifications from the workshop. All documentation used during the public workshop will be made available with the Project Out-year Plan for review.

September 2019, Updated Proposed Activities 

Field surveys and design refinement have been incorporated into the following activities:

July 2019, Updated Proposed Activities

Comments were considered from the Public Workshop and the Out-year plan comment period. Proposed activities that were updated to incorporate changes requested by commenters and from on-going field surveys are below:

Out-year Plan, April 2019

We are asking for the public’s input on a wide array of proposed activities included in the Out-year Plan for the project. The Out-year Plan is a living document that allows the public to track activities through the implementation process. The Forest is specifically looking for comments on activity design components, locations, methods, mitigation measures, and integration opportunities for items listed as “draft” in the Out-year Plan. The month long comment period begins Aprils 13, 2019 and concludes May 13, 2019. See the “Dear Planning and Implementation Participant Letter” below for more information on the Out-year Plan comment period. All materials used during the Public Workshop is available below.

Vegetation Management Activities

Commercial Timber Harvest
Precommercial Thinning

Watershed Management Activities

Invasive Plant Treatments
Stream Restoration
Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)

Sustainable Recreation Management

Basic Maintenance

Public Workshop, April 2019

The Forest Service will hold the first public workshop on April 6, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Prince of Wales Vocational and Technical Education Center, 6565 Boundary Road, in Klawock, Alaska.

The public (collaborators, partners, tribes, Native corporations, and other interested stakeholders) is invited to attend this spring workshop to be able to present activities that they would like to be implemented and review activities presented by the Forest Service.  The public will help to determine locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, prioritization of activities, and integration opportunities for activities presented. If a member of the public is not able to attend, they may submit their activity proposals to the Forest Service to be presented at the workshop.

All activities presented and the suggested modifications will be placed on the Project Out-year plan as “draft”. The Project Out-year Plan will be made available to the public to give everyone an opportunity to help determine locations, activity design components, methods, mitigation measures, prioritization of activities, and integration opportunities for activities as presented and any suggested modifications from the workshop. All documentation used during the public workshop will be made available with the Project Out-year Plan for review.

Final Record of Decision, March 2019

The Responsible Official signed the Final Record of Decision (ROD) on March 16, 2019 during a signing ceremony at the Craig Tribal Association Building in Craig, Alaska. We were joined by residents of various communities and members of the local Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team collaborative group. The Forest Service truly appreciates the continued public participation in this project.

Pre-decisional Administrative Review Process, January 2019

The draft record of decision for this project is subject to the project-level pre-decisional administrative review process pursuant to Title 36 CFR Part 218, subparts A and B. 

Resolution of Objections

The Reviewing Officer and the Responsible Official held a formal objection resolution meeting on February 20, 2019 at Klawock, Alaska. Thirteen of the fifteen objectors attended the resolution meeting. On March 1, 2019, the Reviewing Officer issued written responses to the objectors detailing how the points raised in these objections have been addressed, which also included specific instructions to the Responsible Official, pursuant to 36 CFR 218.11(b).

Response Letters for those Objectors that Attended the Resolution Meeting

Response Letters for those Objectors that Did Not Attend the Resolution Meeting

Individuals or organizations who submitted specific written comments regarding the proposed project either during scoping or other designated opportunities for public comment in accordance with 36 CFR 218.5(a) had the opportunity to file an objection to the draft decision during the 45-day objection period. The objection period closed on December 31, 2018. Fifteen objections were received from individuals or organizations who had standing to object.

Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Record of Decision, October 2018

The Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Draft Record of Decision (ROD) for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis (POW LLA) Project was published in the Federal Register on Friday, November 2, 2018. On Friday, November 16, 2018, a legal notice was published in the Ketchikan Daily News, which restarted the 45-day Objection period, since the original one had an incomplete objection submission email address. For more information on submitting objections during the 45-day Objection Period, please see the Legal Notice or Dear Participant Letter documents linked below.

Final EIS

Draft ROD

In addition, the following seven maps were created to display where certain proposals are located and where particular management opportunities exist for the Selected Alternative described in the Draft ROD.


Draft Environmental Impact Statement, April 2018

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis (POW LLA) Project is being made available for public review on April 27, 2018. An official, 45-day public comment period will begin for the project upon publication of the Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS in the Federal Register. It is expected that it will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, May 4, 2018. The Forest Service incorporated public input into the design of the proposed action and alternatives evaluated in the Draft EIS. The Draft EIS includes 3 appendices that provides additional information on the project and activity implementation: 1) Appendix A – Activity Cards; 2) Appendix B – Implementation Plan; and 3) Appendix C – Present and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Actions Table. For more information on submitting comments during the 45-day comment period, which is anticipated to begin on May 4, 2018, please see the Cover Letter or use the link above in the project description on this page for commenting electronically.

In addition, the following six maps were created to display where certain proposals are located and where particular management opportunities exist.


The Forest Service appreciates your review of the Draft EIS and looks forward to your input during the 45 day public comment period.

Subsistence Hearings: During the 45-day public comment period, the Forest Service will hold subsistence hearings in three communities across Prince of Wales Island to provide an opportunity for members of the public to share how the proposed action or any of the alternatives may potentially affect users of subsistence resources within the POW LLA Project area. The dates and locations of the subsistence hearings are as follows:

  • Whale Pass, AK - May 29, 2018; 4:30 p.m., Whale Pass Library
  • Klawock, AK - May 30, 2018, 6:00 p.m., Klawock VocTec Center
  • Hydaburg, AK - May 31, 2018; 5:00 p.m., City of Hydaburg Conference Center

Public Comment Period, December 2017

An official, 14-day public comment period begins for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis (POW LLA) Project with publication of a legal notice notifying the public of the availability of Draft Issue Statements and Alternatives in the Ketchikan Daily News on December 5, 2017. The Forest Service has incorporated public input into the design of the POW LLA Project proposal, received comments on the proposed action to help identify issues and support the development of alternatives, and is now seeking public input on the Draft Issue Statements and Alternatives, Appendix A, and Appendix B that were developed for the project. For more information on submitting comments, please see the Legal Notice or use the link above in the project description on this page for commenting electronically.

In addition, the following six maps were created to display where certain proposals are located and where particular management opportunities exist. Please note that the information in these maps has been updated since the ones provided during the last scoping period.

Your input during this public comment period, along with all previously submitted comments, will help the Forest Service refine the range of alternatives to be analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement.

Scoping Period, July 2017

A second scoping period is open for public comment for 30 days following publication of the Corrected Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register, from July 6 to August 7, 2017. For more information on submitting comments, please see the Scoping Letter that was sent to interested individuals, or use the link above in the project description on this page for commenting electronically. The Forest Service has developed Draft Activity Cards to describe all activities potentially considered within the project area that could be part of the Proposed Action or other action alternatives. Information presented about each activity includes what it usually accomplishes, how it is typically implemented, what constraints and resource-specific guidelines apply, and when it would be implemented. Additionally, the following four maps were created to display where certain proposals are located and where particular management opportunities exist.

We hope you will find the activity cards and maps useful in conjunction with the purpose and need, Proposed Action, and potential alternatives described in the Corrected Notice of Intent to provide us with well-informed comments. Your comments during this scoping period, along with all previously submitted comments, will help the Forest Service develop a range of alternatives to be analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement.          

Proposal Development

The Forest Service has worked to develop a Proposed Action and other potential alternatives that would meet the Purpose and Need for the Project. Comments submitted during the scoping period were evaluated for: 1) potential issues that could be tracked throughout the analysis, 2) suggestions that could become part of an alternative(s) for the project, and 3) what resources and values are important to our communities and residents. The POW LLA Side Boards document shares some of the planning constraints the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) must stay within while developing proposals and projects. The IDT used the electronic Comment Analysis and Response Application (CARA) where all scoping comments were submitted or uploaded, to respond to each letter. The Scoping Response to Comments document is a report generated by CARA that displays each point brought up by commenters, listed by author with responses by the IDT.

The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team (POW LAT) formed in May of 2016 and, after a year of deliberations, came to a final, independent recommendation and list of proposed projects for the Forest Service to consider for the POW LLA Project. POW LAT submitted a Final Package in June of 2017 to Tongass Forest Supervisor Earl Stewart. POW LAT’s recommendations along with all previously submitted public comments were used to further develop a Proposed Action and the components of other potential action alternatives for the Project.


Although we have tried to make all the pdf's 508 Compliant we realize they may not be 100%. Please contact Delilah Brigham at 907-828-3232 or email if you need further assistance.

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