Birth to 3 Program
The first three years are the most important building blocks of a child’s future. The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program is an early intervention special education program. It helps children under the age of 3 who have delays or disabilities. “Early intervention” is the term used for the services and supports for babies and young children and their families.
In Wisconsin, early intervention is known as the Birth to 3 Program. This type of program is required by the federal government under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
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Essential children's resources
Wisconsin Wayfinder supports families of children with delays, disabilities, special health care needs, and mental health conditions. Children’s resource guides are helpers who assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services available through the Children’s Resource Network.
Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program mission statement
The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program is committed to serving children under the age of 3 with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. We value your family’s primary relationship with your child and work in partnership with your family. We work to enhance your child’s development and support your family’s knowledge, skills, and abilities as you interact with and raise your child.
Birth to 3 Program counties share grant successes
In July 2022, 23 local county Birth to 3 Programs received grants using Office of Special Education Programs ARPA dollars to fund social and emotional activities.
Read about Birth to 3 Program grants.
First 1,000 Days Outreach Campaign
The Birth to 3 Program wants to help more families get the support and services they need to help children grow and learn. You can help by being a part of the First 1,000 Days Wisconsin Child Find Campaign!