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Coronavirus: nitrogen dioxide concentrations over Europe

Join the second online Global Space Economic Workshop

07/07/2020 12377 views 67 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

On 9 July at 9:30 BST / 10.30 CEST, join the second online Global Space Economic Workshop (GSEW) to discuss the value of Earth observation data during and after the COVID-19 crisis, how space data can help with monitoring the impacts of the pandemic and how this will assist the recovery in the post-COVID world.

Join the discussion on ESA web TV or ESA Space Economy.

This unprecedented situation has created huge challenges for society and the space sector, as many industries are impacted by these unpredictable challenges. ESA will present information on activities aimed to support industry during this crisis and the recovery period.

Follow this GSEW online series via the ESA Space Economy web portal and on ESA web TV.

Programme (all times in CEST)

10:30–10:45 The Earth seen from satellites during the crisis
Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes
10:45–11:20 The value of Earth Observation data during the COVID-19
Moderator: Charlotte Mathieu, ESA Head of Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis Section
A Dashboard to monitor COVID-19 impacts globally
Yves Louis Desnos, ESA Head of the Data Applications Division
Anca Anghelea, ESA Earth Observation Open Data Scientist
Digital Twin Earth - using space to simulate the future
Nicolaus Hanowski, ESA Head of the Mission Management & Ground Segment Department
EO involvement opportunities 
Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes 
11:20–11:30 Q&A

Watch a recording here of the first event on 3 July discussing ESA’s actions to support European resilience to the crisis in the field of healthcare, education and logistics.

Mark your calendar for two further online GSEW events: 

16 July – ESA will discuss with important European financial bodies, how they can work together to help European industry.
23 July – ESA will present a number of innovative projects within industry followed by an inspirational contribution from ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

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