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Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (BJAG)



Byrne Justice Assistance Grants support a broad range of state and local criminal justice initiatives critical to Maryland's ultimate goal of safe communities. Funds are intended to reduce existing gaps in service that impact violent crime, crime victims, enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, detention, and rehabilitation.

Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant application citizen review

The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services is providing the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program draft application for public comment. This requirement can be found in the federal solicitation. Any comments or feedback should be directed to Quentin Jones, Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Manager. The draft narrative may be found below under Additional Documents.


Byrne Justice Assistance Grants has its roots in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 passed by Congress to offer assistance to state and local governments in strengthening and improving the operation of law enforcement functions in the states. From there grew the original Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program (Byrne Formula). The original Byrne program encouraged states and units of local government to prepare comprehensive strategic plans based upon the evaluation of state and local problems of law enforcement and to conduct research and development on improving law enforcement and developing new and innovative ways to prevent and reduce crime.

In 2002, Congress funded (though never authorized) a separate Local Law Enforcement Block Grant program to provide grants directly to local law enforcement agencies. In 2005, Congress fused the two programs, creating the current Justice Assistance Grants.

The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services has administered the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants funds for over ten years.


Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA)

Additional Documents


Projected NOFA Release Month

Projected Application Month


Program Manager

Quentin Jones

Funding Chief

Quentin Jones
