Have your say

We are committed to ensuring that consultation and engagement lies at the heart of how we work.

Why we consult

We use consultations to:

  • work with residents of Stockport to help shape, prioritise and deliver better services
  • give residents and businesses the opportunity to influence decisions about local services
  • strengthen local democracy
  • raise awareness of what the council does and how it does it
  • contribute to the continuous improvement of our services to continue to make Stockport a better place

How we consult

We ensure the method of consultation we use is appropriate for what we are consulting on and who we are consulting with. We make sure that our consultations are legal by:

  • consulting when any proposal is still at a formative stage
  • including sufficient information to allow for intelligent consideration and response
  • giving respondents time for consideration and response
  • taking the findings into account when making decisions

To view our current consultations visit Citizen Space using the button below.

View our current consultations

We are committed to engaging with residents and staff when thinking about service delivery and issues that affect employees.

Equality and diversity

You may notice that when you receive questionnaires from us, there are 'monitoring questions' asking about age, gender, disability etc. We ask these questions so that we can:

  • check if we are promoting equality, complying with equality legislation, and promote community cohesion
  • check if a service is reaching all parts of the community
  • reveal discrimination or identify policies or services that adversely affect people from different communities
  • identify the need for new or changed services and measure the effectiveness of service changes

Knowing the varied experiences people tell us about will not explain why;

  • these differences occur
  • a service is under or overused
  • people have different experiences

However, it does provide a starting point for asking questions and highlighting issues.

That is why we also work with a number of key stakeholders in the community around equality and diversity. This is through community groups, networks or partnership forums. This is to ensure that communities have an opportunity to get involved and have their say on issues in Stockport. Also there are groups (where relevant) that are specifically looking at issues relating to specific sections of the community.

We're always looking for opportunities to expand our engagement with communities. If you would like to find out more please contact the corporate consultation team on consultation@stockport.gov.uk. Alternatively, you can contact the Corporate Policy Team on corporatepolicy@stockport.gov.uk.

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Join our mailing list to receive notifications about upcoming consultation or engagement activities and be invited to share your views. You'll also receive feedback on all public consultation/engagement activity conducted regardless of your participation. Find out more about how we use your data You can unsubscribe at any time.

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