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Program Evaluation Reports

State annual performance report

Local performance reports

Annual  monitoring reports

State systemic improvement plan

In 2013, the U.S. Department of Education began implementing a revised accountability system under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Results-driven accountability shifts the department’s accountability efforts from a primary emphasis on compliance to a framework that focuses on improved results for children with disabilities, while continuing to ensure states meet IDEA requirements. RDA emphasizes improving child outcomes such as performance on assessments, graduation rates and early childhood outcomes. To support this effort, states are being required to develop a state systemic improvement plan as part of their state performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). In developing, implementing, and evaluating the SSIP, OSEP expects that a State’s focus on results will drive innovation in the use of evidence-based practices in the delivery of services to children with disabilities, which will lead to improved results for children with disabilities.

Profile report

Please send questions or requests for reports from previous years via email to

Field definitions Explanations of how each data field in profiles is determined.

State profiles

County profiles

Cluster profiles

2018 fiscal analysis