

Everyone, everywhere should know how to be prepared for tsunamis and what to do to be safe. This is true for people who live or work near the ocean, but also for anyone who may visit someday. Are you in the Zone?

TsunamiZone.org provides suggestions and resources for your family or organization to “know your zone” and to learn how to be safe.

Be counted among people and organizations worldwide by registering your 2025 tsunami preparedness activities!

Over 930,000 participants registered

Participate and Share

How to Participate
Information for individuals, schools and many types of organizations

Tsunami Resources
Manuals, posters, & much more

Who is Participating?
Lists by county, area, & category

Share Your Activities
Your photos, videos, and stories of tsunami preparedness activities

Voluntary community recognition program promoting government and public collaboration

Check the Stats

As more people and organizations register, the total for this year will increase.

Global Total for 2025: Over 930,000
Global Total for 2024: Over 720,000

Tsunami Talk

Don’t miss our ECA Bay Area Winter 2025 Online Workshop on March 5 (10am–12pm PT)! We’ll discuss lessons from the Dec 5 Cape Mendocino earthquake & tsunami warning, Marin County’s local hazards, and ECA’s upcoming activities. Register now: http://EarthquakeCountry.org/bawi25 #Preparedness

Our ECA SoCal Winter 2025 Workshop is on Feb 20 in Newport Beach! Join us for expert insights on tsunami hazards, earthquake info tools, and how we can all advance collaborative science, engineering, and preparedness policy. Register now at: #Preparedness

Tsunamis are deadly waves capable of damaging or demolishing buildings and infrastructure. After a tsunami, it is crucial to follow the necessary measures to ensure the safety of yourself and others. For more information, visit: http://ready.gov/tsunamis or http://TsunamiZone.org.

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