Alert: After June 13, 2023, IHCP bulletins will be used to convey news and billing information that would previously have been published in an IHCP banner page. The IHCP banner page was retired June 13, 2023.
Bulletin Spotlight
Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) bulletins provide official notice of:
- New and revised policies
- Changes and reminders related to coverage, billing and claim processing
- Program updates
- Information about special initiatives
- Provider education opportunities
Bulletins are issued on an as-needed basis and typically publish on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To ensure that you don't miss important information, sign up to receive email alerts when new publications, such as bulletins or provider reference modules, are posted to the IHCP website.
All bulletins published from Jan. 1, 2020, through the present can be viewed from the table below. For historic purposes, bulletins issued before 2020 are accessible from the IHCP Bulletin Archive.
You can use the following tool to search all bulletins published since Jan. 1, 2020, for a particular word or phrase. Optionally, you can also include banner pages and/or provider reference modules in your search.
Note: IHCP policies and procedures are subject to change. The most current information about a topic can be found in the related provider reference module or in publications issued after the effective date noted in the module.