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Marketing Basics Webinar

Thu 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Disaster Mitigation

Small business owners are welcome to join us to review basic marketing strategies and tactics to help businesses stay engaged with their customers during this challenging time. Note: this presentation will be done through WebEx, a videoconferencing software. After participants register, they will be sent a link for the meeting. During this free 30-minute presentation, Julie Loffredi, a counselor from the Rhode Island Small Business Development Center will review the basics of marketing. Attendees will have an opportunity to submit questions following the presentation (30 minutes for Q&A). All small business owners are welcome to attend. The presentation will cover: - quick and basic marketing overview - how to update your online presence and social media accounts to stay engaged with your customers - how businesses are using email marketing to best communicate with their existing customers - taking action steps to improve customer satisfaction for the long term - tools to boost virtual experiences, like videoconferencing - review ways that customers can “shop local” online - understanding marketing tools and platforms, including digital marketing - tips for launching a marketing campaign to increase leads and sales

Speaker(s): Julie Loffredi, RISBDC Marketing Counselor

Note: this presentation will be done through WebEx, a videoconferencing software. After participants register, they will be sent a link for the meeting.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 401-874-SBDC (7232)


URI Lead Center
Carlotti Administration Building
75 Lower College Rd.