Closing Soon: Abstract Submissions and Award Nominations for Symptom Science Advances in Oncology Nursing

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Abstract and Award Nomination Submission Period Closing Soon!

The ONS/NCI/NINR colloquium, Symptom Science Advances in Oncology Nursing, will highlight the current state and future directions in symptom science, including health disparities and palliative and psychosocial care needs. Colloquium participants are invited to submit abstracts that address any aspects in these science areas. Submissions due November 30, 2020, or until 600 abstracts have been received.

  • Completed research studies may be considered for podium or poster presentation.
  • Research in progress and literature reviews will be considered for poster presentation only.
  • Incomplete research will only be considered for posters.

Submit an Abstract

Event organizers are also pleased to announce that award nominations are now being accepted. Awards include the Mid-career Scientist Award and the Mentor-Mentee Award. Nominations due November 30, 2020.

Submit an Award Nomination