Allterra Property Solutions - a DBA company under the Anawim Housing umbrella - provides both affordable and market rate housing for individuals and families across the state of Iowa.

Through Housing First and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs, we provide programs and services to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness

Providing development and consulting services for new development, construction, property rehabilitation and historic preservation

Anawim Housing develops stable homes and strengthens people and communities


Individuals in Polk County, Iowa who live in our affordable housing


Individuals served in our Permanent Supportive Housing programs


Percentage of individuals in our Permanent Supportive Housing programs who remain stably housed after one year



We are always accepting and in need of new household item donations to be gifted to tenants moving into Anawim Housing that have very little or are coming from homelessness.

Help us make a house a home: We've set up an Anawim Target Gift Registry with our highest need items that can be purchased online and shipped directly to the Anawim Housing office!


How You Can Help

To provide Permanent Supportive Housing and wrap-around services for the 240 households Anawim serves in our programs across central Iowa, we need you, and the financial support of our community, state and partners.

100% of your financial gift to Anawim Housing is invested in providing a warm home and permanent supportive housing programs for our community’s most vulnerable. Your gift helps us continue to meet the growing need for services in a time of increasing financial need.

Our Stories

Hear two uniquely different and inspiring stories from Anawim Housing program tenants. You'll meet Mona, as she shares of her journey to Anawim Housing with her six children, and the impact having stable housing and the help of her program worker have made in their lives. Randy shares of his story from homelessness to housing and the dramatic impact having a door to an apartment all his own has made in his life.

Our Partners