The Bureau of Disabilities Services envisions a community where all people have equal access and opportunity to realize their good life. We are committed to partnering with individuals, and their families, and professionals to ensure each person centered services that empower people with disabilities and their families by connecting them to the resources and supports to live their best life. Our core value is that all people have the right to live, love, work, learn, play, and pursue their dreams.

Welcome to the online application for services available through the Bureau of Disabilities Services (BDS). This application is used to apply for waiver services and/or group home placement. If you are currently receiving BDS services, please contact your local BDS district office. If you would like to review additional training and instructions about this application, as well as other BDS information please click here.

Please note, unless you apply using Access Indiana, you will not be able to save your progress and finish at a later time. If you stop working on your application for more than 15 minutes, then the system will timeout and you will need to start a new application. All information must be completed once you begin the application. Please ensure you have all of the required information prior to beginning the application.

Apply using Access Indiana
  • Easily and securely access your application
  • Save and return to an application in-progress
  • Upload, download, and view documentation
Apply as a Guest
  • Inability to save and return to application
  • Inability to upload documents
  • Inactivity for 15 minutes will require the application to be restarted
  • Application must be completed at one time
Proceed without using Access Indiana

To complete the online application the following information is required:

  • The applicant's name
  • Social security number
  • Date of birth
  • Applicant's current physical address
  • Current physical address and mailing address if it is different from the current physical address.
  • Applicant's contact information such as phone and/or email
  • The age the applicant was diagnosed with a developmental or intellectual disability
  • Brief description of how the disability affects applicant's daily life

If the applicant is a minor or is an adult that has someone who has been legally designated to help make decisions with/for them the following information will be required:

  • Name of legal guardian or legal representative
  • Relationship to applicant
  • Address of legal guardian or legal representative
  • Contact information such as phone and/or email of legal guardian or legal representative

BDS will also gather some additional information that you are not required to answer, however, your answers to these questions can help to improve our services and supports. We do not use your answers to discriminate or to make decisions about your eligibility or access to services. The following information will be asked about the applicant:

  • If applicant currently has Medicaid and the number (You are not required to have Medicaid in place to apply for BDS services.)
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Education information
  • Race/Ethnicity information
  • Preferred Language
  • If the applicant has ever been assessed by Vocational Rehabilitation

The individual and/or legal guardian/representative will be asked to check a signature box which will serve as signature to pursue BDS services. At any time, you can choose to decline services or stop the application process.

Upon completion, please take a moment to review all answers for accuracy prior to submission. Upon submission, you will have the opportunity at that time to download a copy of the submitted application for your records. Once submitted you will receive a message that the application was successfully submitted along with links to application supporting documents and information on what to expect next.

If at any time you need assistance you may contact your BDS district office. To find your district office go here.
