Veterans Health Care, September 2, 2021: help for Vets facing eviction, get your online vax records, overuse injuries in women Vets, and native Nurse connects with Vets

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Providing health care to America’s Veterans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is home to America's largest integrated health care system, serving 9 million enrolled Veterans each year. Join your fellow Veterans. Here are some of their stories.

Hands holding a miniature model home

As eviction moratorium ends, VA stands by to help Veterans

If the end of the eviction moratorium affects you, VA can help.

A recent ruling by the Supreme Court ended the CDC’s temporary ban on evictions. This could mean that millions of people who are behind on their rent could lose their homes, including Veterans and their families.

The good news: VA is ready to offer assistance to Veterans who need it.

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hands holding a mobile phone

How to get your COVID-19 vaccine records online

Whether you qualify for a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine and need to make an appointment or you’re just trying to get into your favorite restaurant, there’s a chance that you will need to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status.

While you can carry your CDC vaccination card (or a photo of it), here’s how to get a copy of your VA COVID-19 vaccine records online.

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Woman service member in training

Listen to your body – overuse injuries in women Veterans

Military service is hard on the body. Overuse injuries are common in women Veterans, especially involving the hips, knees, and ankles.

Two years after injuries in Iraq, Elizabeth Jackson sought care at VA. Here is her story.


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Native American health practitioner sitting at her desk

Native American, rural Veterans connect with nurse

VA nurse practitioner Celessta Merrill provides tele-primary care to Native American and rural Veterans in remote areas.

“As soon as they find out I am also Native American, their tone changes toward me," she says. "Their outlook on care and treatment recommendations they have been declining for years has now changed. I love being able to impact them – even if it’s just one Veteran.”

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