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Whereas state law, RCW 70.05.070(2) - (3), requires and empowers the Local Health Officer

to take such action as is necessary to maintain health and to control and prevent the spread of

any contagious or infectious diseases within the jurisdiction, and;

Whereas state regulation, WAC 246-100-036, requires the Local Health Officer, when

necessary, to institute disease control measures as he, she, or they deem necessary based on his, her,

or their professional judgment, current standards of practice, and the best available medical and

scientific information;

Whereas SARS-CoV-2 spreads from person to person primarily through inhalation of air

carrying very small droplets and aerosol particles that contain infectious virus, and;

Whereas the risk of transmission is greatest within three to six feet of an infectious source, but

can also occur more than six feet away, and;

Whereas COVID-19 infections can be spread from persons who are symptom-free and before

symptoms appear, and;

Whereas in King County SARS-CoV-2 transmission is increasing largely due the spread of the more

contagious Delta variant, the discontinuation of the Heathy Washington Roadmap to Recovery

community level CoV-19 restrictions, and a corresponding increase in activities and opportunities for

SARS-CoV-2 transmission from person to person;

Whereas the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes CoV-19 infection is significantly more

contagious than previous SARS-CoV-2 viruses and has been associated with a greater risk for


Whereas fully-vaccinated people have a very high level of protection against serious illness due to

CoV-19, and are at lower risk for transmitting the infection to others;

Whereas currently some 68% of King County residents are fully vaccinated against CoV-19.

However, approximately 720,000 King County residents are not fully-vaccinated, including some

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290,000 people who are eligible for vaccination, 120,000 residents who have started but not yet

completed their vaccination series, approximately 308,000 children less than 12 years of age who are

not currently eligible, and tens of thousands of persons with underlying immunocompromise. All

these groups are at increased risk for CoV-19 due to the Delta variant compared with previously

circulating SARS-COV-2 lineages;

Whereas in King County CoV-19 vaccine completion rates vary by age, race, ethnicity, and

geography. The completion rate is significantly lower in younger age groups (66% in 12-19 years

old, 65% in 20-29 years old; 74% in 30-39 years old populations);

Whereas the risk of being exposed is higher for everyone – vaccinated and unvaccinated – and more

infections will occur, primarily among unvaccinated people, when CoV-19 spreads at a high rate

primarily among the unvaccinated, and;

Whereas reducing the number of infected adults in the community will also decrease the risk for

children not yet eligible for vaccination;

Whereas the risk of CoV-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths is greatest among unvaccinated

persons, and vaccination affords excellent protection against serious CoV-19 infections. In the last

30 days in King County, unvaccinated individuals were 41 times more likely to be hospitalized, and

42 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than vaccinated individuals;

Whereas our regional healthcare system is experiencing serious challenges managing the patient

loads from increased hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions related to the current Delta

surge. Local hospitals are seeing more COVID-19 patients now than at any other time during the


Whereas there is concern that COVID-19 transmission, hospitalization and deaths will increase

during the fall and winter months of 2021;

Whereas reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the community through multiple strategies will result

in reduced cases, hospitalizations, and deaths;

Whereas when unvaccinated people gather indoors, they are particularly at risk both of getting CoV- 19 themselves as well as spreading it to others. The risk of exposure is especially higher in crowded

indoor spaces with unvaccinated people, poor ventilation, and activities that can increase the amount

of virus in the air such as singing, shouting and aerobic exercise, or when removing masks for

prolonged periods of time to eat or drink;

Whereas the University of Washington’s Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that a

vaccine verification system would prevent a substantial number of COVID-19 infections,

hospitalizations, and deaths in King County over the next 6 months;

Based upon all the above, as the Local Health Officer, I hereby find that at this time, the verification

of vaccination upon entry for individuals attending social, recreational, entertainment events and

establishments, is reasonable and necessary in King County to reduce the risk for CoV-19


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EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, as Local Health Officer I hereby ORDER as follows:


For all patrons and customers 12-years of age and older, verification that they are fully

vaccinated is required prior to entry to the following public events and establishments:

• Outdoor recreational and entertainment events with 500 or more people, such as collegiate

sports, professional sports, and concerts.

Effective Date: October 25, 2021

• Indoor restaurants, bars, and taverns with seating capacity of 12 and more AND

entertainment and recreational establishments, such as entertainment and performing arts

venues, night clubs, music and concert venues, movie theaters, museums, collegiate and

professional sports stadiums and arenas, exhibition halls, and convention centers.

Effective Date: October 25, 2021

• Indoor restaurants, bars, and taverns with seating capacity of less than 12.

Effective Date: December 6, 2021

For purposes of this ORDER, “fully vaccinated” means that a person has received all the required

doses of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine (two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech

vaccines, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) or a WHO-authorized COVID-19 vaccine

series, and 14 days have passed since the final dose.

Verification of vaccination may be established by any of the following methods of documentation:

• CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Record Card, or photo of CDC Vaccine Record Card

• QR Code, digital or printed certificate from (WA Department of Health

partner website, My Immunization Records)

• Vaccine administration record from a vaccine provider, including an individual’s doctor,

pharmacy, or other official immunization record from within or outside the U.S., including a

photo or photocopy

• Specific mobile applications that verify vaccination status will be allowed if approved by the

WA Department of Health or Public Health – Seattle & King County

Additional identification, such as a driver’s license or ID, is not required.

As an alternative to providing vaccine verification, prior to entry individuals must provide digital or

printed documentation from a testing agent, including a laboratory, health care provider, or

pharmacy of:

• A negative FDA-approved PCR test administered within the previous 72 hours, or

• A negative FDA-approved rapid test administered by a testing provider on site at the event


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Medical and religious vaccine exemptions are not accepted in place of vaccine verification or

documentation of a negative COVID test.

This ORDER does not apply to:

• Children under 12-years of age

• Outdoor or indoor youth sporting events for elementary, middle school, and high school age

participants, and the spectators at these events

• Outdoor dining

• Take-out from restaurants, taverns, and bars

• Indoor dining in buildings that primarily serve non-dining purposes such as in airports, mall

food courts, and school cafeterias

• Funerals

• Weddings, except those occurring in any of the above public indoor establishments.

However, proof of vaccination or documentation of a negative CoV-19 test is strongly


• Faith-based gatherings, except those occurring in any of the above public indoor

establishments. However, proof of vaccination or documentation of a negative CoV-19 test

is strongly recommended.

• Vote centers sanctioned by King County Elections, held at any location.

As the Local Health Officer, I strongly recommend that employers and event organizers require

vaccination for the workers and volunteers at the events and establishments covered by this ORDER.

Guidance and resources are available from the Washington Department of Labor & Industries,

Washington State Coronavirus Response, and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,

and available here:

• common-questions


• act-and-other-eeo-laws.


Discrimination will not be tolerated in the implementation of this ORDER.

Employers, their employees, and volunteers, must implement this ORDER equitably and may not:

• Scrutinize proof of vaccination more closely based on an individual’s race, national origin,

religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or

• Refuse to accept valid proof of vaccination that is authorized by this ORDER, such as WHO

approved vaccination from countries outside of the U.S. or photographs of CDC vaccination


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Employers, employees, and volunteers should provide reasonable accommodation for those with

disabilities who attest to having completed their vaccination series but are unable to provide proof of

vaccination due to a disability.

King County government and Public Health – Seattle & King County are dedicated to providing all

residents and visitors with fair and equal access to services, opportunities, and protection, and

reflecting consideration for cultural differences and disabilities.

As the Local Health Officer, I strongly recommend and urge all people and businesses in King

County to voluntarily comply with this ORDER and its anti-discrimination requirements.

This ORDER will remain in effect for 6-months and reevaluated at that time, or sooner based on the

status and impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak in King County.

Signed and ordered this 16th day of September 2021, in Seattle, Washington, by


Dr. Jeff Duchin

Local Health Officer

Public Health – Seattle & King County