WEBINAR: How Will You Address COVID-Caused Criminal Case Backlogs?

This webinar was held on January 22, 2021.

This 75-minute webinar reviews research-based approaches to modernize criminal case processing, reduce backlogs, and sustain successful operational improvements within the court’s culture.

The issues discussed include the following:

  • Is your court ready and able to apply proven criminal case management solutions to restart case processing? 
  • What should individual judges do to become more proficient in managing their criminal dockets? 
  • How can court leaders help reduce systemic barriers to improve criminal caseflow? 


Gordon Griller, Executive Director, NAPCO


  • Hon. Sedrick T. Walker, II, Presiding Judge, Harris County TX Criminal Courts of Law (Houston) 
  • Mr. Ed Wells, Court Manager, Harris County TX Criminal Courts of Law (Houston) 
  • Hon. Patricia K. Costello (ret.), Consultant, NCSC; former Assignment Judge, Superior Court NJ (Newark) 
  • Dr. Brian J. Ostrom, Ph.D., Principal Court Management Consultant, NCSC 
  • Ms. Paula Hannaford-Agor, J.D., Director, Center for Jury Studies, NCSC