Environmental Health

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March 13, 2025

Environmental Health

Director: Keith Higman
Skagit County Health Department
On Site Sewage Program Information


Financial Assistance for On-Site Septic Systems
All residents of Skagit County whose homes or businesses are served by a septic system require annual inspections, unless the system is conventional gravity (three-year inspection requirement), per Skagit County Code (SCC) 12.05.160 and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-272A-270.

Rebates for Qualified Residents

Skagit County Public Health is offering up to $500 rebates for septic system inspection, pumping, riser installation, lid replacement, or minor repairs to qualifying residents (one per household).

Category Risers & Lids Inspection Pumping Minor Repair*
Individual Rebate Amount (up to) $200 (total for new install)
$50 (each replacement lid; up to 4)
$100 $100 $200

* See the Finance Assistance section below or WAC 246-272A-0010 (effective April 1, 2025) for qualifying minor repairs.

The rebates are available to qualified residents for work performed from February 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025, or when the grant funding runs out, whichever comes first. To be eligible for septic system rebates, you must meet the following requirements:

Vouchers for Low-Income Residents
Skagit County Public Health is offering assistance for septic system inspection to qualifying low-income residents. A grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows public health to implement a program for residents who need a septic system inspection, pumping, or minor repair AND demonstrate financial need (such as on a fixed income and eligible for property tax exemption) to ease the financial burden of meeting the state inspection requirement and protecting public health. Please contact us at EH@co.skagit.wa.us or (360) 416-1500 for eligibility requirements.

Clean Water Loans and Grants to Finance Septic Repairs
Craft3, a nonprofit lender, offers Clean Water Loans to allow homeowners to borrow the entire cost of eligible design, permitting, and installation. Lower interest rates may be available for qualified lower-income borrowers, and there are no up-front loan fees or pre-payment penalties. As of April 1, 2024, certain owner-occupied households may be eligible for a grant to reduce their loan amount. Craft3 will notify you of your eligibility as part of their application process. Please visit Craft3's website using this link for rates and terms, to check eligibility, and begin your application.

For more information about septic system financial assistance or rebates, please contact an Environmental Health Specialist at EH@co.skagit.wa.us or (360) 416-1500.

Septic systems treat sewage on the property where it is generated. Over 20,000 septic systems in Skagit County clean and recycle sewage contaminated water into clean groundwater every day in Skagit County. On-site sewage treatment can work as well or better than large wastewater treatment plants with proper design, installation, and maintenance.


Information for on-site professionals
Looking for information on your septic system?


Septic System Rebate Application Form
(online or fillable pdf)

Providers please submit reports electronically through
On Line RME

Learn How Your Septic System Works and How To Take Care of it with the Homeowner Septic Education Program
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