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Department of Justice Seal
Our Mission

The mission of the Department of Justice is to uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights.

Our Values

  • Independence and Impartiality. We work each day to earn the public’s trust by following the facts and the law wherever they may lead, without prejudice or improper influence.
  • Honesty and Integrity. Our employees adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior, mindful that, as public servants, we must work to earn the trust of, and inspire confidence in, the public we serve.
  • Respect. Our employees value differences in people and in ideas and treat everyone with fairness, dignity, and compassion.
  • Excellence. We work every day to provide the highest levels of service to the American people and to be a responsible steward of the taxpayers’ dollars.
By the Numbers
Litigating Divisions
Law Enforcement Bureaus
U.S. Attorneys’ Offices
Grants to State, Local & Tribal Partners
Our Work
DOJ organizational chart
DOJ Components and Agencies

The Department of Justice consists of multiple components and agencies dedicated to upholding our mission. 

Department of Justice flag in front of DOJ building
Subject Matter Areas, Initiatives, and Programs

Learn more about the work we do on a variety of focused topics.


From Our Most Wanted Files

  • Photograph of Wilver Villegas-Palomino
    Wilver Villegas-Palomino
    FBI Field Office: Houston
    Wanted For: Wilver Villegas-Palomino is a ranking member of the…
    Unknown, Unknown
  • Photograph of Omar Alexander Cardenas
    Omar Alexander Cardenas
    FBI Field Office: Los Angeles
    Wanted For: Omar Alexander Cardenas is wanted for his alleged…
    Unknown, Unknown
  • Photograph of Yulan Adonay Archaga Carias
    Yulan Adonay Archaga Carias
    Wanted For: Yulan Adonay Archaga Carias is charged federally in the…
    Unknown, Unknown