Woods Wise Wire - April 12, 2022

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Maine Forest Service

In this issue:

Wildfire Prevention on Woodlots - Forestry Friday Webinar


Friday, April 15, 2022


9:00 AM



Join Kent Nelson, MFS's Forest Ranger Specialist, as he discusses ways you can reduce the likelihood of wildfires from occurring on your woodlot and near your homes. There are things you can do that will also help the responding fire department / Forest Rangers in the event of a wildfire.

As we enter spring fire season, this is a timely subject.


Forest Health Reporting Survey

The US Forest Service Forest Health and Monitoring (FHM) Reporting Sub-team invites you to complete a survey to tell us what you want from data delivery and reporting. In addition to completing the survey yourself, please send the survey link to land managers, policymakers, analysts, extension personnel, etc., anyone you view as an audience (analyst or consumer) of FHM’s data and information. FHM recognizes the importance of being informed about the kinds of data and information current and potential users want and need, and also delivery of data and information including format, availability, and timing. This is an opportunity to contribute to the reporting evaluation and planning process of the FHM program. We thank you for your participation and assistance with this effort.

If you have any questions, please contact Kayanna Warren (Region 5) at kayanna.warren@usda.gov.

Complete Survey

Small-Scale Sawmilling: Re-localizing Lumber Production in Maine


Monday, May 2, 2022


6-7 PM




Sliding scale: $0-$10   

Join Michael Friedland to learn about Maine's lumber economy. Friedland is the owner of a socially and environmentally conscious lumberyard in Southern Maine that uses a farmers' market model to aggregate and sell products from small sawmills. We will discuss the difference between sustainable forestry and sustainable forestry products and explore opportunities and obstacles to expanding localized lumber economies in our communities while considering why Maine, the most forested state, relies so heavily on imported lumber. This is the first installment in a year-long series of webinars and workshops from MOFGA focused on sawmills and local wood production.

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