

Camping is a great way to unplug, recharge, and connect with nature. More than 300 of Missouri’s conservation areas offer camping for those looking for a more adventurous, primitive experience. All camping on conservation areas is free, and most camping is first come, first served. Be sure to have a backup plan in case the spot where you want to camp is already occupied.


Guidelines for Camping on MDC Areas

Check the Dates

Be aware of hunting seasons. Some areas will be busier during these seasons and may have temporary trail or road closures. Also, some areas expand or restrict camping during firearm hunting seasons.

Bring Your Own Necessities

Sometimes designated campgrounds will provide fire rings, picnic tables, dumpsters, and latrines, but more often camping on conservation areas is primitive with little or no facilities provided. Also, no RV hookups are provided at any department area. Campers should expect to bring their own water.

Missouri map icon
Before You Go

Before planning a trip in the spring or fall, check Places to Go for information on the specific conservation area where you wish to camp to see if the area allows camping or has restrictions during hunting seasons.

Know The Rules
  • Campers can stay up to 14 consecutive days in any 30-day period and must remove all personal property at the end of the 14-day period. Each camper is limited to 30 total camping days within one calendar year on all department lands.
  • On those areas with established campsites, only two camping or sleeping units are permitted in each site.
  • Walk-in (dispersed) campers should camp at least 100 yards from parking lots and roads.
  • Pack out at least as much as you pack in, and don’t burn trash in campfires.
  • Check the regulations for the specific area where you want to camp. Some areas allow open dispersed camping (walk-in-, float-in-, or backpack-type camping) while others allow camping only in designated sites. Some areas require a special use permit for all camping.
  • Groups of more than 10 people camping on conservation lands must obtain a special use permit.

Respect Your Neighbors

Quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily. Visitors who are not occupying a campsite must leave the campground by 10 p.m. During quiet hours, campers should not make any excessive noise, both personally or with mechanical devices, that disturbs other campers.

Keep Fire Contained; Use Local Firewood

Know how to keep from starting a wildfire when you camp. Visit Make Your Camp Firewise for guidelines, and remember to use local firewood for campfires to keep from spreading tree-killing pests and diseases across the state.

Properly Dispose of Human Waste

If no latrine is available at your campsite, follow these steps to properly dispose of human waste:

  • Choose a spot that is at least 200 feet away from a trail, water source, or campsite.
  • Make a hole about 4 inches wide and 6 to 8 inches deep to contain the waste.
  • When finished, completely cover the hole, and do not leave any toilet paper visible on top of the ground.
Be Bear Aware

While black bear attacks are extremely rare, it’s wise to follow a few precautions now that these bears have made a comeback in Missouri. Visit Camping and Hiking in Black Bear Country to learn ways to stay safe when camping and hiking where there might be black bears.

Plan For Emergencies

Bring a first aid kit, and have a plan in place in case of emergency. Remember that you are responsible for your safety and the safety of those around you.

Report Misuse

To report any misuse of the area, contact the Conservation Agent assigned to the county where you observed the issue.

Great Places For Camping

Prairie at Rose Pond CA
This 379-acre area consists mostly of bottomlands associated with Honey Creek, which empties in


Find events near you.
Registration period: January 14 - March 24
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 12:00 pm - Tuesday, March 25, 2025 12:30 pm
Location: Online only
Cooking outdoors is a great complement to many other outdoor activities. Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, or enjoying your backyard, this program will add another element to your outdoor experience. This session will focus on the common equipment needed for cooking any fish and different cooking methods.
Registration period: January 16 - March 23
Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 11:00 am - Thursday, March 27, 2025 12:30 pm
Location: Caldwell Memorial Wildlife Area

The compass is an excellent tool to help you reach your destination, identify your location, and map your route. Learn how to do all three by joining us at for this free orienteering program. Included will be a treasure hunt for free giveaways. This event will take place outdoors, so be sure to come prepared with proper footwear, clothing attire for gravel trails, and water.

All planning to attend the event should register separately. Children younger than sixteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

This program is one of several in our new Outdoor Skills Series (see detailed list below). Whether you’re seeking to connect more to nature or hone your outdoor skills, these classes are for you. Sign up for some or all and get to meet others that share your interests in the outdoors!


Outdoor Skills Series Location Date Time

1. Backpacking Basics Pacific Library 2/27/2025 3:30-4:30

2. Compass and Map Caldwell Memorial WA 3/27/2025 11:00-12:30

3. Bird ID for Beginners Rockwoods Reservation 4/9/2025 9:00-10:00

4. Hike Conservation Area La Barque Creek CA 4/26/2025 10:00-2:00

5. Outdoor Cooking Rockwoods Reservation 5/7/2025 10:00-11:30

6. Discover Nature Fishing 1 Shaw Nature Reserve 5/9/2025 10:00-12:00

7. Tree ID + Guided Hike Caldwell Memorial WA 5/13/2025 10:00-12:00

8. Knot Tying Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 10:00-11:30

9. Primitive Camping 101 Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 12:00-1:00

10. Archery Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 10:00-11:00

11. Atlatl Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 11:30-12:30

Registration period: January 14 - March 31
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 12:00 pm - Tuesday, April 1, 2025 12:30 pm
Location: Online only
Cooking outdoors is a great complement to many other outdoor activities. Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, or enjoying your backyard, this program will add another element to your outdoor experience. This session will focus on frying fish, including the different types of oil, seasonings, and methods.
Registration period: August 26 - April 3
Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025 6:00 pm - Thursday, April 3, 2025 7:00 pm
Location: Online only
With the start of Trout season upon us come join us online to learn new recipes and techniques to cooking your catch. Registration is required. Participants will receive a class link the morning of the program via E-mail; please check your regular and junk E-mail folders.
Registration period: January 14 - April 7
Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 12:00 pm - Tuesday, April 8, 2025 12:30 pm
Location: Online only
Cooking outdoors is a great complement to many other outdoor activities. Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, or enjoying your backyard, this program will add another element to your outdoor experience. In this session, we will discuss different methods, techniques, and ingredients to grill or bake fish.
Registration period: January 16 - April 6
Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 9:00 am - Wednesday, April 9, 2025 10:00 am
Location: Rockwoods Reservation

Join us for a beginner bird ID program and discover the various feathered visitors you’re likely to encounter throughout the year in the state of Missouri. This program reviews 20+ common Missouri birds, their physical characteristics, and what foods they’re attracted to. Also, tips will be provided on how to create a bird-friendly environment to attract birds to your backyard. At the end of the program, an optional bird hike along some of Rockwood Reservation's paths will be offered.

This program is one of several in our new Outdoor Skills Series (see detailed list below). Whether you’re seeking to connect more to nature or hone your outdoor skills, these classes are for you. Sign up for some or all and get to meet others that share your interests in the outdoors!


Outdoor Skills Series Location Date Time

1. Backpacking Basics Pacific Library 2/27/2025 3:30-4:30

2. Compass and Map Caldwell Memorial WA 3/27/2025 11:00-12:30

3. Bird ID for Beginners Rockwoods Reservation 4/9/2025 9:00-10:00

4. Hike Conservation Area La Barque Creek CA 4/26/2025 10:00-2:00

5. Outdoor Cooking Rockwoods Reservation 5/7/2025 10:00-11:30

6. Discover Nature Fishing 1 Shaw Nature Reserve 5/9/2025 10:00-12:00

7. Tree ID + Guided Hike Caldwell Memorial WA 5/13/2025 10:00-12:00

8. Knot Tying Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 10:00-11:30

9. Primitive Camping 101 Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 12:00-1:00

10. Archery Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 10:00-11:00

11. Atlatl Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 11:30-12:30

Registration period: January 14 - April 14
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2025 12:00 pm - Tuesday, April 15, 2025 12:30 pm
Location: Online only
Cooking outdoors is a great complement to many other outdoor activities. Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, or enjoying your backyard, this program will add another element to your outdoor experience. In this session, we will look at smoking, canning, pickling, and salt fish to name a few.
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025 2:00 pm - Saturday, April 19, 2025 4:00 pm
Location: Tower Grove Park-New Comfort Station
Camping is a great way to get out and enjoy nature with friends and family, but sometimes preparing for a first trip can be overwhelming. Join the Missouri Department of Conservation and River City Outdoors to learn the basics of camping and gain the knowledge and confidence to head out on your first camping adventure! Through hands-on activities, we'll cover where to go and how to reserve a campsite, what to bring, how to pitch a tent, outdoor hazards, and more! Registration is free and required through River City Outdoors. Link to registration
Registration period: February 26 - April 25
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025 8:00 am - Sunday, April 27, 2025 1:00 pm
Location: Paddy Creek Wilderness and Big Piney Trail

Join MDC Staff for our Introduction to Backpacking Program where we will hike in Paddy Creek Wilderness along the Big Piney north loop to the south loop (approx. 11 miles) with primitive overnight camping along the trail. Trail map can be found at: Please note that the full length of the Big Piney Trail is 17.5 miles. As this is an introductory program, we will hike the north section from Roby Lake and take the connector loop to the south trail - approx. 11 miles - and primitive camp along the southern section.

Expect the Ozark Hills terrain of steeper climbs to beautiful overlooks as well as hikes along ridge tops and down into valleys. We will be camping along an overlook of the southern loop. Participants will need to filter water along the trail and hike their water supply to the campsite on the ridge. There will also be several creek crossings. Be prepared to bring a spare pair of sandals when crossing the creeks.

Since this is an Introductory Backpacking Program, all gear and equipment can be provided for participants. We will conduct a MANDATORY virtual check-in on March 25 (6:30pm-8:00pm) which is around four weeks prior to the trip to introduce the group and discuss trip preparation and logistics.

All family or friend groupings will be responsible for carrying their own gear, including water filter, stove, tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad. You are responsible for packing your own food - this will be discussed in our virtual check-in - and you will be shown how to hang a bear-bag and filter water while on trail. We will be outside for the entirety of this program.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Sam Stewart the instructor at

Thank you and our hope and goal is for each of you to be more inspired to explore the trails around you - whether that is through practicing your backpacking skills during this trip or taking longer day hikes. We want you to know that you have access in many ways to our beautiful natural resources!
Registration period: January 16 - April 20
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025 10:00 am - Saturday, April 26, 2025 2:00 pm
Location: LaBarque Creek Conservation Area

Join us for a 3-mile hike through the forests and glades of LaBarque Creek Conservation Area. Take a scenic break with a relaxing lunch near the midway point and test your bird and plant ID skills while exploring the winding paths of this beautiful area. Uneven trails and steep terrain necessitate use of proper footwear. Also be sure to dress adequately for the weather as it could be potentially cold.

This program is one of several in our new Outdoor Skills Series (see detailed list below). Whether you’re seeking to connect more to nature or hone your outdoor skills, these classes are for you. Sign up for some or all and get to meet others that share your interests in the outdoors!


Outdoor Skills Series Location Date Time

1. Backpacking Basics Pacific Library 2/27/2025 3:30-4:30

2. Compass and Map Caldwell Memorial WA 3/27/2025 11:00-12:30

3. Bird ID for Beginners Rockwoods Reservation 4/9/2025 9:00-10:00

4. Hike Conservation Area LaBarque Creek CA 4/26/2025 10:00-2:00

5. Outdoor Cooking Rockwoods Reservation 5/7/2025 10:00-11:30

6. Discover Nature Fishing 1 Shaw Nature Reserve 5/9/2025 10:00-12:00

7. Tree ID + Guided Hike Caldwell Memorial WA 5/13/2025 10:00-12:00

8. Knot Tying Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 10:00-11:30

9. Primitive Camping 101 Caldwell Memorial WA 5/23/2025 12:00-1:00

10. Archery Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 10:00-11:00

11. Atlatl Rockwoods Reservation 6/10/2025 11:30-12:30