FEMA. Mitigation Minute. January 05, 2022. The National Risk Index Helps Communities Make Informed Choices as they Build Resilience. Released in Aug. 2021, the National Risk Index is an online mapping application from FEMA that identi­fies communities most at risk to 18 natural hazards. This application visualizes natural hazard risk metrics and includes data about expected annual losses from natural hazards, social vulnerability, and community resilience. The National Risk Index's interactive web maps enable users to compare information at the county and Census tract levels, and then generate reports and or download data for analysis. This information can help communities discover a holistic view of their risk to natural hazards. Callout box text says, “Explore Risk Data. Use the interactive National Risk Index Map to visually explore natural hazard risk data across the United States. Explore the map.” How Can Communities Benefi­t from Using the National Risk Index? The National Risk Index is easy to use and can support prioritizing resilience efforts by providing an at-a-glance overview of multiple risk factors. This can assist communities beginning the planning process by illustrating which hazards pose a risk, and where, and the community’s current level of resilience and social vulnerability. It can also inform community outreach during the planning process. A displayed graphic shows that the National Risk Index examines risks associated with avalanche, drought, earthquake, hail, hurricane, ice storm, lightning, landslide, flooding, strong wind, tornado, tsunami, wildfire, and more. Additionally, the Index can also assist communities as they: update emergency operations plans; enhance hazard mitigation plans; prioritize and allocate resources; identify the need for more refi­ned risk assessments; encourage community-level risk communication and engagement; educate homeowners and renters; support the development and adoption of enhanced codes and standards; and inform long-term community recovery. A map of the U.S. depicts an ice storm and the risks for having state-by-state. This map is an example of the map data that can be found in the National Risk Index. Since 1989 FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs have obligated approximately $16.5 billion in grants to make communities across the U.S. and its territories more disaster resilient to hazards like the ones depicted by the National Risk Index. In order to qualify for HMA grants, applicants and subapplicants must have hazard mitigation plans. Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants can be used for Hazard mitigation plan development. Asterisk. The National Risk Index can provide helpful baseline information for communities developing and updating these plans. Learn how your community can benefit from using the National Risk Index.

Asterisk information: HMA Funds Can Be Used for Hazard Mitigation Planning:

2022 Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop Call for Abstracts

Now through Jan. 14, 2022, FEMA is accepting abstracts for the 2022 Hazard Mitigation (HM) Partners Workshop! This workshop is an annual gathering of hazard mitigation stakeholders with the purpose of informing and updating them about mitigation grants and floodplain management, strengthening relationships, and providing knowledge transfer between FEMA and invited attendees. This virtual event will be May 2-5, 2022. This year's theme is Building Whole Community Resilience: Partnerships, Capability, & Capacity. Abstracts are due by Jan. 14, 2022. Learn more about this event and how to submit an abstract.